0.1.0d Patch Notes

I spent the last four whole days building COF mage and now it got nerfed to the ground. Well, I guess it was fun while it lasted. At this point, I just can't be bothered playing the game anymore and will probably wait for a few month or half a year just so that the game is more stable and complete I suppose. It is very difficult to change build given how heavy RNG this game is. It could take hours of playing to find the right weapons and armors for a specific build. Not to mention how rare currency is which I don't quite understand given how heavy RNG based this game is.
The changes to trigger gems is so stupid. Cant kill white mobs now but I can kill bosses faster????
This will go down as the dumbest patch in all of gaming! People were super excited about POE2, you attracted a HUGE new audience of people who obviously are not streamers who can play 16 hours a day. So building a character is time consuming. And 5 days into your launch you absolutely gut and destroy everyone’s builds. Like what a great way to really reward your new audience for time investment. Great decisions guys!!! Surely that will lead to player retentions

What a joke
Stop rebalancing your less-than-one-week-old early access game once every two days according to a committee of Twitch chats, viral Tweets and YouTube Shorts.

What you are doing right now is EXACTLY what Blizzard did during the launch of Diablo 3.

You are rewarding an interminably vocal minority of people that think that creating a stream of complaints and hipfiring hipfiring criticism aimlessly is the mark of progress and intelligence, who are redoubled in their insistence by clickbait content creators making "The Problem With" videos every 6 hours, who are now thrilled that the reigns of this project have been handed over to them, congratulating you for acquiescing to them, who obviously know better. No, they don't know better. They probably don't know anything, actually.

Any and every historical instance of such obsessive, parasocial game design has yielded disastrous long-term consequences, resulting in either a game that plays itself, or an unstable fever dream of major patches which actively punishes those who want to actually memorize and learn the game.

Step away and focus on fixing things that don't work, not things that people don't "like." Because "people," in this context, only come in the form of engagement numbers. Focus on optimization. Focus on the release version of the game which is less than one year away, presumably. Once Timmy stops being mad that his rolls get caught and that his loot doesn't drop, Timmy will be mad that the game doesn't play itself, and then, once Timmy's forum advice bandwagoning stops feeding him dopamine, Timmy will turn around and say that the game was never good, and urge anyone to not even bother, because Upcoming New Title is much more Exciting, and "the Devs actually listen to the community."
Cast on freeze is dead. Now you can just remove it from game.
At leveling i swap it to cast on ignite cuz with freeze it triggers twice at best! per boss, and with ignite and firewall - like 5-6....
now it even dont trigger on mobs cleaning... great. I need 1h to clean t2 map. Thx.
Who give you such advices ?
at mechanics POE2 is degraded as hell in comparsion to POE1
now you trying kill it corpse ?
Just when I got CoF for my sorc up and running yesterday, I thought to myself, finally, I'm feeling powerful and this is fun... Now,.. today... it's BROKEN.. a white mob give 5% toward CoF while before it was 50%... wtf is this.

May want to retune, the retune... this is a joke if a support gem is called "cast on freeze" when it takes 25 freezes to cast?!! Why you doing Diablo 4 type crap????
Feels a bit like every trigger setup is suffering for the sins of comet. I haven't heard about any other insane trigger setups, so it feels to me that comet ought to be addressed, while giving some of the power back to meta gems.
This is absolutely terrible. I thought you guys said you wouldn't be nerfing everything, but here we are. Can you PLEASE just make things fun, let us go around and wipe the maps like we used to in POE 1, give us the freedom to have fun and build whatever we want and still play the game. Bring the ascension trials down to where normal people can actually get their ascension points. I don't understand where you guys are coming from, or what you're thinking. What next, minion build nerf? I would say rangers are nerfed next but we all know that isn't happening. I hope you (GGG) can look at the 40+ pages of complaining and instead BUFF EVERYTHING to be on par with ranger builds. I want this game to be amazing, but you guys are going the absolute opposite direction.
The changes to trigger gems is so stupid. Cant kill white mobs now but I can kill bosses faster????

ye bosses are even better with it, white mobs are the real endgame now
anyway, time to reroll :D
Last edited by Rikku#7536 on Dec 11, 2024, 10:26:28 PM

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