0.1.0d Patch Notes

Give us a way to respec when you make such big changes. Respect take a lot of gold. Way too much gold. If your not in the endgame yet you won't have enough gold. Having a character bricked while going through the acts during an early access/beta is a lot of time wasted for people supporting your game and trying to help you improve it.
Give us a way to respec when you make such big changes. Respect take a lot of gold. Way too much gold. If your not in the endgame yet you won't have enough gold. Having a character bricked while going through the acts during an early access/beta is a lot of time wasted for people supporting your game and trying to help you improve it.
Felez Neveded
Please at least give us gold to respect. Haven't been able to play since I can't get gold. I didn't use an OP build but used CoC for my main skill with no weird elements and stuff. I was doing tier 2 maps and not wrecking stuff at all... So imagine now.

I just want to be able to play again without having to do all the acts again.
CoF was fun
rastaqki#6957 wrote:
zsirfoka#3193 wrote:
Good changes, keep it up and ignore the hate that became a trend now.

Changes are good.
Even if the nerf is too much it can be adjusted.
That is not the reason for the hate.

It's how they made the changes.
No announcement.
No warning.
Completely bricking a lot of characters.
Respec is too expensive for some of those people.
They can't farm with bricked characters.
They don't want to start over.
They stop playing.

If GGG wanted to have fewer players for EA, they achieved it.

You got a warning.

Your warning was when they announced this currently as "Early access"

You are playing/testing a game thats currently in active development. They dont need to put out warnings. Come back in 6 months when the game is officially released if you dont like "early access"
Last edited by Woodydave44#4966 on Dec 13, 2024, 2:29:27 PM
rastaqki#6957 wrote:
zsirfoka#3193 wrote:
Good changes, keep it up and ignore the hate that became a trend now.

Changes are good.
Even if the nerf is too much it can be adjusted.
That is not the reason for the hate.

It's how they made the changes.
No announcement.
No warning.
Completely bricking a lot of characters.
Respec is too expensive for some of those people.
They can't farm with bricked characters.
They don't want to start over.
They stop playing.

If GGG wanted to have fewer players for EA, they achieved it.

You got a warning.

Your warning was when they announced this currently as "Early access"

You are playing/testing a game thats currently in active development. They dont need to put out warnings. Come back in 6 months when the game is officially released if you dont like "early access"

Why would coming back at full release solve all the problems? Ive commented here before, if we are to test this early access, beta, alpha or whatever tf people want to call it then atleast give people the opportunity to test and not have their builds bricked.

Buff, nerf do whatever but atleast during this early access lend us the ability to swap out stuff. If they will keep true to how PoE1 was and not massively nerf builds mid league, then in this early access when they are doing it we should atleast have the ability to change without putting a chunk of hours back in levelling something else.

Or is this just an elitist attitude you have?
Last edited by ModIsGod#0794 on Dec 13, 2024, 2:35:42 PM
rastaqki#6957 wrote:
zsirfoka#3193 wrote:
Good changes, keep it up and ignore the hate that became a trend now.

Changes are good.
Even if the nerf is too much it can be adjusted.
That is not the reason for the hate.

It's how they made the changes.
No announcement.
No warning.
Completely bricking a lot of characters.
Respec is too expensive for some of those people.
They can't farm with bricked characters.
They don't want to start over.
They stop playing.

If GGG wanted to have fewer players for EA, they achieved it.

You got a warning.

Your warning was when they announced this currently as "Early access"

You are playing/testing a game thats currently in active development. They dont need to put out warnings. Come back in 6 months when the game is officially released if you dont like "early access"

Friendly Reminder that Early Access and Beta Test are NOT SYNONYMOUS.
Paying $20 extra for a FULL RELEASE game to play it 3 days earlier, is "Early Access."
A 6 month long "testing" period is a Beta Test.

Please stop hiding behind the "It's Early Access!" excuse.

And also, Early Access isn't an excuse to not respect the time and effort of your players with no recompense... But I digress. Cheaper Respec Costs would literally make this a non-issue. If they want us to test things out and try out different stuff so that they can identify these "overperforming outliers" then LET US TEST. Restricting that with Respec Costs that get pretty expensive in the end-game isn't beneficial for testing.
Hey, first post here, just wanted to drop by and say that you really screwed me on progression here. I spent the gold to respec and ended up going to a build that just wasn't fun to me. You killed my toon with this patch and the easiest solution for me after the respec was to abandon all of my progress and create a new toon.

Thanks GGG for killing my fun.
185 pages and no reply yet, not a good look.


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