0.1.0d Patch Notes
Yes, just do some more nerfs, just ruin more fun for the people, just use us as bots for your pleasure fighting to get any loot and currency so we are once in a while able to adjust our builds with ridiculous costs, to your pathetic updates.
I remember someone said, oh wait it was Jonathan; there is more currency. Ok, I play definitely in a different game, every few hours with lot of luck I get an exalted or a shard for a regal orb. Well it seems that's just me, crafting is gone and rolling on items as well, the fights are way harder, and after dieing the whole ai on the map respawns- I see youre masterplan works out, since I died I wasn't strong enough (not that your ai was too strong). it was all my fault and so I have to kill all the stuff again to level up and up and up and hey at a point I can finish the map. Until the moment there are new patchnotes, with nerfs for my just new made build. Ok, back to beginning because no one can afford to respec everything probably not even 10 skillpoints. I don't know at which Party you figured out let's kill the fun of an arpg and let's do some completely new POE no one was asking for. But it was for sure a fun party, and now that hundreds of thousands payed for playing the EA, even more fun. And yes I know what an early access is. This here has nothing to do with early access, it has something to do with killing fun and love for a game with basics, and I am not talking about your so called balanced fixes (those are just on top of all that). If you don't adjust to the better very soon, like more currency drop, loot and easier fights and in this stage of the game free respec after "balancing" - I fear this game will go pretty fast pretty downhill. (and yes there is a fanbase that will probably tear me apart by saying so but are those enough to keep you alive and rdy for party?) merry xmas <3 |
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just F u ngl, used all my gold to try to remake my char bc i done just single map and u totaly destroyed my build, and guess what now i have 0 gold and need to make new char to be able to play ^^ ty alot, next time shift alt del ez pz
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" Sidenote (He actually has the account before you got yours) Now with that out of the way the "nerf" on CoX is just incredibly stupid, i don't find fun any of the other sorc skills, i got mine to yellow maps with CoC which made it playable cause it had nice clear (and i tried all the other spells), it was shit vs bosses and you still struggled with the build even in maps, the other sorc spells are just bland, don't really do a lot for me, CoX is one of the pillars that defines POE when compared to other Arpgs, it's the dinamic interactions, take that away and you have a really nice game that doesn't have a soul of it's own similar to other Ones in the genre, that is also overly LONG to go through, i wont start another char to go through 2 entire Campaigns just to find out that maybe my new archer or warrior will get nerfed, POE 1 i spend an average of 5-6 hours to get to endgame, here it feels like an eternity compared to POE1. Most importantly it is not FUN anymore, the Sorc didn't deserve the delete.. the other classes have some crazy builds way more powerfull than CoF, but that is beside the point, NOT HAVING FUN is a bad thing, in POE1 i knew my char was shit till i invested a lot of curency or crafted some godly items, i KNEW i will be very strong, there was a light at the end of the tunnel no matter what ascendancy i had, in case of POE 2 i find that lacking, no matter how OP my items are it won't feel FUN to not play how i want, to know the Nerf they did was absurd to say the least... if their vision is going AntiFun then they nailed it, who knows in the upcoming weeks what will be nerfed, are you really willing to go again through the campaign ? if you are well good for you, my time is not going to waste on this, the sad part is they don't even care right now, they don't pay for testers.. the testers are paying them and treat us with Silence(for lack of a better word) I feel that my time is not worth the lack of response on part of GGG about the CoX nerfs, not even a single word uttered after 300 pages of complains on the forum and a barage of twitter rage, if we truly are testing the game why not make the respec lower in cost at least, remove the friction between the now "blurred line" of : am i testing or playing for fun ? cause if i'm playing i'm extremely pissed off for the nerfs, if i'm testing well yeah it's a nerf and i expect the respec points and some compensation to change my build or start a new char from level 60, in any case i did pay for this and i want at LEAST SOME FORM OF COMMUNICATION. |
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Extremely frustrating and anti fun patch/nerf.
Learn to slightly nerf and not kill builds entirely, it severly impact fun factor and will hurt your game, and your community. At the very least, provide respec tokens for this type of bad decisions. Players put time, energy, currency into making these builds and being basically stuck with it after a giga nerf is pretty bad game design decision. Dont be a blizzard 2.0. |
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" Yep with no char except the last league. His message is like he ignore how respect work. A simple thing, lvl 80, it's more than 6K gold by point and probably 25K for an ascendancy (can't check for now) I can't imagine this guy understand the game or it's an idiot |
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Jonathan promised that there is will be no nerf for strong builds until they're up weak gems and skills.
What we see? Exactly, developers lied one more time. No fun in POE 2, passives respecs for game in EA with no challenge rewards cost a lot gold, so players forced to play on nerfed builds or create new character to test other skill tree (until it will be nerfed again). A shame on you |
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they couldn't shut up before the release and now complete silence after we bring up any issues in the game, lag, freezes, disconnects. Very frustrating, really enjoyed what little time i've gotten to play. nerfs are expected but focus on a fixing the game first would seem a bit more important. But what do i know, i'm just a simpleton.
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Mathmatically CoF/CoC recieved a 16x nerf from these chages. i feel that this nerf is/was a massive nerf and should be readjusted. 16x is a lot and should be reworked back to say a 4x.. theres no reason for 16x.
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" Very true, feels like no one is listening, they focus on axing the Fun instead of fixing more important issues, and by that i do intend that "Having Fun" is an issue apparently, "Testing" their game should ultimately be Fun and frictionless, angry gamers won't make their game grow Last edited by cooldiablo2001#1924 on Dec 13, 2024, 7:04:01 AM
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... dunno what to say. Just watch it. Alot of the execution in this patch is done bad. If there were alternatives provided for mob clearing and fun, this wouldn't have that outrage/reach it sparked. Last edited by jakobkaminski#0365 on Dec 13, 2024, 7:04:09 AM
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