0.1.0d Patch Notes

I am all for nerfing builds however the nerf to cast on x was too strong to not give a respec.

I have ALL nodes for energy gain and have the gems linked for it as well and I trigger my cast on freeze once every 15-20 enemies.

This completely gutted my entire build. At 5k a point I don't have anywhere near the gold to respec all the points that are essentially wasted now.

The entire point of cast on x is the more you scale into it the more consistent it feels.

However you ripped all the consistency away and destroyed a build that was fun but not broken.

I agree nerfing low level alignments. However using level 15 skill gems isn't low level anymore. Revert this change at the higher levels by buffing the energy gained or buffing the nodes in the tree that give increased energy gain.
Please add a method to swap Venom Draught choice like how we had a recipe to swap Bandit choice in PoE 1.

My build massively changed with the recent update and I don't want to restart my toon. I'm sure a lot of people are in a similar boat.
U also might consider totally removing cast on x skills from the game entirely at this point to not have dead on arrival skills that are listed in gem select tab. Classic ggg "hotfix" im shocked. And what about thousands of bricked characters? We cant respec, and do 25hour act grind once again is highly motivating.
Bricked my character, I have 6k gold. What do I do? fools.
Casual player here, spent what time I could slowly working through the game and content, had decided frost would be the best way to take my sorc forward so invested into it, figured CoF and meteorite were going to be a viable source for mob control and time wise a good choice for clearing. Found out today this company Does Not Value Our Time Invested in their title.

Time to invest my time elsewhere.
Well, that's unfortunate. Looks like I won't be playing the game anymore since my character is now unusable.
Another unusable character here.

Seriously, GG. What the fuck. We've been down this road. Why do we destroy everything that people are having fun with?
Yep, figured out the build myself, level 71 just now and played completely without any online advice or spoilers. Got confused when I wasn't killing stuff and then noticed that CoF wasn't proccing. Figured I got nerfed, now I'm stuck and unless this is reverted then I'll just be uninstalling.
Figured out a build on my own and respecced last night for mana regen. Now I don't have enough gold to respec again. Bummer
I played D2, D3, and Diablo 4. I just switch over to POE and was building my very first cold sorceress. Who ever had the idea to get rid of cast on freeze should be fired. You are so out of touch with what us as gamers want. This game is a leap in front of D4 but you just took a step backwards. And you not fixing it, shame on you!

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