0.1.0d Patch Notes

reap and exsanguinate where

bring back cast on freeze

(Really enjoying the EA, though. :D)

i heard you get reap on lvl 40+ weapons is it not true ? i wanted to do a build with that skill
Ive got no issues with buffs and nerfs in this paid for "beta test" but i am someone who is hurt by the Sorc nerfs.

Now in this "beta" it would also make sense to give some "beta" features to the players. If respec costs were 1 gold per point during this "beta" until full release it would atleast allow us to fully test different builds and not feel so hurt by nerfs.

I loved PoE 1 but PoE 2 almost feels like GGG are trying to make you stay in the game longer but not from enjoyment, it almost feels forced.

I understand its early access but to truly test the game and all its potential you need to allow us the ability to try it, without hours of grinding for respec. I imagine alot if not most players have 9 - 5 jobs but you want people to grind to respec (in a beta), just to potentially have it taken away cause you hard nerf something else?

What is the logic?
Last edited by ModIsGod#0794 on Dec 12, 2024, 2:12:35 PM
rip. guess i wont play the game now since my char is now unplayable.
back to factorio i go
Last edited by pluxzi#2262 on Dec 12, 2024, 2:18:37 PM
ModIsGod#0794 wrote:
Ive got no issues with buffs and nerfs in this paid for "beta test" but i am someone who is hurt by the Sorc nerfs.

Now in this "beta" it would also make sense to give some "beta" features to the players. If respec costs were 1 gold per point during this "beta" until full release it would atleast allow us to fully test different builds and not feel so hurt by nerfs.

I loved PoE 1 but PoE 2 almost feels like GGG are trying to make you stay in the game longer but not from enjoyment, it almost feels forced.

I understand its early access but to truly test the game and all its potential you need to allow us the ability to try it, without hours of grinding for respec. I imagine alot if not most players have 9 - 5 jobs but you want people to grind to respec (in a beta), just to potentially have it taken away cause you hard nerf something else?

What is the logic?

Exactly this ^^^^
Feels bad, I have lost the fun of playing. It took me a good amount of hours just to get to Cruel Act 1, where the build was coming together. I do not have any currency farmed or gold. The only option is to start something new, but I don’t want to waste my time on something uncertain.
Making a good build that actually clears monsters and defeats bosses within 5 minutes was too easy to do so we nerfed it.
If your (devs') intent is for this to be some slow slow grinding souls-like where you sit there taking 1 minute+ on every little pack of mobs, I have bad news for you. Your game's graphics and presentation make it dog-shit to try to see anything of significant detail most of the time to try to react on time.

Thanks for destroying the weakest class, yet again. What is it with these ARPGs and their hard-on against sorcerer archetype?

No, I don't want to reroll and play the long huge boring ass maps all over again.
No, I don't want to play ranger because obviously your boss plays ranger and you can't possibly nerf that OP shit...

I want to play a caster and you F-ed me over. I'm some poor casual who doesn't have hundreds of hours a week to keep "experimenting".
You accept money. You said no wipes. Stop hiding behind the EA label, it means NOTHING other than your act4-6 are not ready. This is a LIVE GAME. EA label does not even apply to you or your model and you shouldn't have been allowed to even use it.

Don't act as if this is a beta but have full microtransactions and stingy storage design to fleece people.

All that positive vibe from everyone destroyed in one week. Are you trying to compete with Blizzard? I mean they also messed up the sorcerer as if it wasn't already the weakest class at end-game...

I don't trust you people anymore. I might work on a character for 4 weeks just to have you destroy it with a 90% nerf and pretend that's okay and I should have to pay in another 4 weeks of time to fix your bullshit.

ARG. I'm so disappointed. Sorceress was already a slog and shit. I played around with witch for the giggles and it was so much easier. Such a huge difference.

UGH. I can't even look at you GGG.
Fun detected, lets kill the skill lol a bit heavy change IMO. Make more sense to trigger like every 1-3 mobs. Most other changes are good. What you did with the skill was kill it, and respec is to high. Full tree should be 1-2k gold max during EA. It takes so much more time in POE2 than POE1 to build up a character. With the high respec and a change like this you sending a message that we should just wait to release and put our time elsewhere.
Nerf CoC Fair enough.. that was broken. BUT

CoF and CoI was also NUKED to the ground, killing every single build.. You say you care about build diversity but it does not show.. Not nerf but NUKED it..

Meanwhile Warriors are 1 shotting pinnacle level bosses pressing ONE SINGLE BUTTON... Hand of god bleed/ignite is the most op thing in the game. Pretty easy to dodge boss mechanics when u press 1 button and nothing else.. You can just build defences on all gear, even use a shield and 1 shot the hardest content come on GGG.. what is going on..
[Removed by Support] You guys know that balancing isnt etnirely wiping sense of skill. Now Cast on is dead speel, on this point you really just could delete it from the game becouse now its useless. Freezing 20 mobs (with skill gems) for one cast is just ridiculous. Five should be at lowest.
Last edited by Vinky_GGG#0000 on Dec 12, 2024, 2:51:25 PM

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