Constructive melee feedback (Warrior centric)
Hi, long time player and enjoyer of all things PoE here.
I was thrilled to hear that PoE 2 was made, in part, to make melee "feel great again" Knowing that, warrior is what I rolled for my first class. Current char: ThunderTrash Level 95 Titan Slam spec bleed using giant's blood and a 932 pds 2h mace. 4.9k life, 75% block, capped res (incl. chaos), 9k armour Below is a curated list of feedback from me as I experience the game and end game. Others are welcome to share their experiences as well please! The good: " The questionable: " The bad: " Bugs and/or other thoughts " All in all having a blast and I think with some more tweaks and balance this game will be one for the millenium. Wishing the devs all the best. AMD Ryzen 7 5800X MSI RX 2080 Samsung 980 Pro SSD 32GB GSkill Trident-Z Last edited by Eep#5463 on Jan 15, 2025, 9:56:51 PM Last bumped on Feb 1, 2025, 12:51:37 AM
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I wanted to make my own post, but you summarized my thoughts and feelings in a really cohesive way.
" Especially if you take the few 2-hand damage nodes that slow you down even more. I have a shield and 1-hand mace on my weapon swap with over 70% block chance and life on block, just to be able to approach mob packs who consist of those Zealots, Crabs or Crossbow guys. I sometimes straight up die before i'm able to finish my boneshatter 2-hand mace wind-up while switching to it from 1-hand and shield. (T3 Maps) " This is the worst part! Some mob packs are insane in how often they use their spells and ranged attacks. Those Miners throwing the shrapnel-like TNT's are a good example. Just one of them wrecks my Titan if i dare to miss those tiny little projectiles on the ground before they explode. If it's a pack, then it's almost impossible to engage. I got basically the same defenses as you and i feel like a glass cannon moving and attacking like a snail. Most of the time in endgame it feels like the mobs are playing with PoE1 rules, but we as players are stuck within the constraints of PoE2. We don't have the movement and the defensive layers needed to handle this much bullet hell-like projectiles and spells. It's really different compared to the campaign. All in all i'm really positive about PoE2 and i love it, but the monster balance is not in a good spot right now. At least for melee! |
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For sure. Its so close to being like 11/10.
For me I enjoy the drawn out fights, I just want some more fluidity (reduced attack times, fixes for collision) and more chances to react or learn (less monster damage from unobvious sources, monster balance in general) I love the boss fights, I look forward to them every time. Its the mob packs before the boss that give me the most anxiety, which is weird currently! AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
MSI RX 2080 Samsung 980 Pro SSD 32GB GSkill Trident-Z | |
Regarding your point 1D on mob attack cooldowns, I think another solution could be if the AI could get a randomized aggro timer inside a narrow range (0.3-1.5s for example), so that they're not all spamming you with the same ability at the same time. Tune aggro timer longer for easier difficulty, and shorter for harder difficulty. Tune accordingly by area level.
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" Yeah, anything would be better than getting like 3 or 4 casters just nuking you from high orbit while you slowly use your 1+ second wind up melee atack AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
MSI RX 2080 Samsung 980 Pro SSD 32GB GSkill Trident-Z | |
" Any thoughts on the compounding problems of warriors (or attack-based classes) needing to constantly find weapon upgrades while leveling, you can't just luck out once like a caster, find a +4 skill gem affix early to carry through the whole campaign or is that just poe? I feel like the all important physical damage\phys dam% is not easily achievable and when you do find one it barely even closes the gap vs casters/range. Really want druids >< |
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+1 , especially on the comments about map design
Unfortunately how i feel playing self made build warrior just about to breach into yellow maps. its not that damage is bad, far from it, but the class just feels bad to play I lucked into a great weapon with high attack speed bonus and for the first time in 60+ levels it felt smooth for a while until more -5% attack speed penalty nodes. The misses and getting stuck/frozen is driving me nuts, the latter happens every map pretty much |
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" Player hitboxes too, specifically default attack swings with the 2h mace i've noticed is questionable to terrible. I'm at 100% chance to hit so I know it's not that, but almost without fail against small to medium enemies the second swing in the mace default attack almost always does not hit. I feel like these really need to be looked at to make gameplay feel better, whiffing your attacks when you're standing on top of an enemy does not feel good, even if the hit box is "accurate". |
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" Its been a struggle for melee characters in ARPGs as old as time. General recommendation: Look for the NEWEST base type that drops at the current level, then figure out if you've been out a new weapon long enough to invest a bunch of alts/augs into those base types until you hit a good phys roll. That's what I did and it worked fairly well. If you feel like bypassing that, just farm 1 or 2 exalts and buy something on trade that triples ur dmg :) AMD Ryzen 7 5800X MSI RX 2080 Samsung 980 Pro SSD 32GB GSkill Trident-Z Last edited by Eep#5463 on Dec 12, 2024, 7:17:21 PM
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" This might be a bug. I had this *exact* issue (2nd swing whiffing) and I respec'd to Resolute Technique keystone and it went away I think. I surmise there IS accuracy being checked at close range and its rough, despite the wording on skills saying "melee has no chance to miss at close range" AMD Ryzen 7 5800X MSI RX 2080 Samsung 980 Pro SSD 32GB GSkill Trident-Z Last edited by Eep#5463 on Dec 12, 2024, 7:20:08 PM