Questions answer yes/no ?

I want to know after playing game how my thoughts are different from rest. So say yes add it to game, no don't add.

1. Add 3rd flask to move faster. Keybind to number 3. This game is slow asf.
2. More utility/support gems that allows you to move faster/teleport/charge etc.
3. Reduce respec cost to half price of current value.
4. Bigger monster packs.
5. More open world maps. Like why every map is just big tunnel with tight minidoor where mobs block you.
6. Remove trading from game. Like why would you trade exhalted orb with some nolifer 90 level who gives you insane item. Why cheat yourself? Trading is lame period. It should not be default option EVER.
7. If you nerf bosses then nerf game 10-20% for hc only. Let it be tough for sc.
8. Buff useless abilities more freqvently instead once per year. Like if something is useless then increase value of it. It's not rocket science.
9. Add runes and green set items from D2. (itemization is bland and boring).
10. Make uniques actually good instead 90% of time being useless past level 20.
11. Remove useless stats. (-req attributes, increase light, mana after kill etc etc... If you need stat to increase light then please buy new monitor ty.

I won't touch drops since it's going to be changed for bit. Itemization still feels very bland though. Just basic rng yellows with useless stats.
Last edited by Goredeath#7093 on Dec 10, 2024, 5:49:48 AM
Last bumped on Dec 10, 2024, 10:26:54 AM
NO to all.

NO to all BUT in Purple.
Last edited by Hallsttattian#5425 on Dec 10, 2024, 6:37:22 AM
remove trade from PoE ??
Are u serious, bro
if u dont wanna trading in game then play ssf plz

Now I can play Poe 2
Thank so much, bro
NO to all.

NO to all BUT in Purple.

Purple is not argument.
son2cang#7848 wrote:
remove trade from PoE ??
Are u serious, bro
if u dont wanna trading in game then play ssf plz

If you trade with someone who plays 24h nonstop then you cheat progress from yourself. This is 100% fact.

I don't mind if trade is allowed if item is recently dropped in party. But this is not type of trading im talking about. I'm talking about poe trade site.


I used 3 exhalts + other orbs on semi-decent weapon at lvl 58 which I built from decent blue weapon.

But if I bought it from market with just 1 exhalted I would literally boosted my damage by 2x because there are 1000+ listed from people who map.

This destroys purpose of building or farm for item. Maybe I'm just too boomer. In diablo 2 days nothing was offered for me in plate.

As for SSF it should be default. I don't see SSF option anywhere. I don't want to be in same league with cheaters/gold sellers and other useless clowns in tradeleague.
Last edited by Goredeath#7093 on Dec 10, 2024, 6:55:09 AM
NO to all.

NO to all BUT in Purple.

Purple is not argument.

You asked for yes/no replies. Won't argue with someone who thinks hc should have it easier than sc. It defeats the purpouse of hc and proves the post is bait.
5. Yes

No to everything else :)
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
son2cang#7848 wrote:
remove trade from PoE ??
Are u serious, bro
if u dont wanna trading in game then play ssf plz

If you trade with someone who plays 24h nonstop then you cheat progress from yourself. This is 100% fact.

I don't mind if trade is allowed if item is recently dropped in party. But this is not type of trading im talking about. I'm talking about poe trade site.


I used 3 exhalts + other orbs on semi-decent weapon at lvl 58 which I built from decent blue weapon.

But if I bought it from market with just 1 exhalted I would literally boosted my damage by 2x because there are 1000+ listed from people who map.

This destroys purpose of building or farm for item. Maybe I'm just too boomer. In diablo 2 days nothing was offered for me in plate.

As for SSF it should be default. I don't see SSF option anywhere. I don't want to be in same league with cheaters/gold sellers and other useless clowns in tradeleague.

Trading was part of D2 too. Maby you where too noob to know this.
Big part of many other arpg:s and mmo:s too.
Also good endgame items wont be cheap so you have to farm some currency or sell items yourself and sometimes trading is pretty much only way for some people to find super rare build enabling items.
Also why remove trade from other people if you dont like it?
Let people trade and you play ssf if you dont like it.
And even if you are not in ssf nobody is forcing you to go anywhere near trade.

You still have to farm tons to afford actually good items in endgame.
And the rush when something really good drops and you know you can sell it with 100div and buy that long awaited item is a super fun too.
Trade was allways big part of poe1 and D2 and others.
So let people enjoy it and remove yourself from trade if it bothers you.
NO to all.

NO to all BUT in Purple.

Purple is not argument.

You asked for yes/no replies. Won't argue with someone who thinks hc should have it easier than sc. It defeats the purpouse of hc and proves the post is bait.

Ok hero what is your current HC character level in poe 2?

Is it more than 20 ? :D
Just to add i havent traded or plan to trade any time soon.
Just crafted awesome staff from blue i bought from vendor.
Playing ssf style with a friend so we do trade together but not with others for now.
Also if you think you get "insane" items with 1ex in poe you know nothing. Espesially when market gets normal and not early acces noobfest.
Real insane items are far far more expensive.

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