PoE 2 is boring and not fun

Hard disagree with OP.
It's all the PoE 1 whiners that are struggling with PoE 2.
Looking at "what people liked about PoE 1" is a lame idea; what, do you want two PoE 1's?
This is a different game, and some of us absolutely LOVE it for that.

This has NOTHING to do with Ruthless.
I'mm currently running only 14s/15s and I have to use several portals per map to bring out loot.
This is clearly an issue with understanding how this game works tbh.

Giving a game criticism because it's not fun for you is not "whining".
Who cares what you do. They are talking about their experience, which is, crazy I know -JUST AS VALID AS YOURS.

You do not have some magic understanding of what constitute fun for the entire world.
Nor is your experience with POE2 some golden average.
It depends on your class selection, build selection, what loot you got, if you got your skills nerfed, etc.

One of the most notorious Ruthless players out there, Kripperian, directly compares it to Ruthless. I think it's a warranted comparison too.

Not enjoying a game is also not necessarily a correlate with "Not understanding it". That is just gaslighting.

Do better. Engage with the arguments, stop name calling people with a different opinion than you. It's a really nasty way of engaging with them.
Last edited by eldheim#2436 on Dec 12, 2024, 2:43:26 AM
Consider that this game was not made for poe1 fans that want more poe1. I love poe2, and hope they make it nothing like poe1. If you ask "who is this game for?", remember, it is not you. Go elsewhere if you're so upset.

Your statement is that POE2 is not made for the very fans that paid the studio to make the sequel -named after the original title?

Stop telling people to go elsewhere. I've supported GGG with more than 1000 dollars of the span of 10 years. I supported POE2 with 100 dollars.
My opinion of what it should be is just as valid as yours.

If you don't like my opinion that POE2 should be more like POE1, you go back to POE1 and play ruthless.
See what I did there?

How about you stop being a toxic ass and have a constructive dialogue, consider other peoples arguments, and maybe come up with some of your own, other than blatant gaslighting?

GGG could, and SHOULD make a hard or ruthless mode for POE2, so that you, and others that enjoy what POE2 was at launch, can keep getting that experience.
And then let all the people that feels massively let down have a sequel they enjoy too.

See what I did there? Even if I disagree with your stance, I advocated on your behalf too, instead of gaslighting you.
Totally new player here.
What I want to say is after reading comments and feedback about this game is..

"Don't panic and remember that towels are regarded as indispensable equipment for experienced exiles."
Man, I agree with you 100%
eldheim#2436 wrote:
Hey. Crazy idea -how about you STOP telling people how to play and enjoy a game, stop telling others what they find fun, and trying to dictate what a good or bad game is.

So only you get to call the game bad? And any opposing view is "STOP trying to dictate what a good or bad game is"?

Oh the irony.
"How boring and small!"
Preaching to the choir man, could not agree more with the OP comments, which is a real shame as the game could be soooo much better (i know others may disagree).

I think it would be great to have a second option in the game, call it casual mode, i dont care, gives us less shiny items, but dont try and force us to do sanctum and play in ruthless mode, most players hated those in the original game and they have not gotten better in this version.

just my two cents.
I agree with OP, its close but no cigar at the moment. It feels to me like it would be a good Diablo3/4, but not a good POE2

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