PoE 2 is boring and not fun
" It's actually worse than D4 because in D4 you can skip campaign after finishing it once and level through whatever you like most. Even in seasons. |
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My 2 cents - personally, I've gone through the campaign (to mid Act 2 Cruel), but not to maps (like mid 50s level). My experience was decent at the start, then slowly now just dropped off. I enjoyed the overall improvements from POE1 (sound, gameplay, gems, etc). However, I felt the "dark souls-like" components to the campaign made it a bit too tedious at times (although overall it's not a bad change). Furthermore, I felt the "game balance" wasn't really there in terms of offense/defense, and has lots of room for improvement. I feel (and some pros agree on this, like Kripparian I believe, etc) that no matter how much you put into defense (armor, life, resis, etc), you'll still get 1-shot -- so why build any defense? That's where the balance is too one-sided and it removes a critical element of the game, to be able to actual think about your build...now it's just pure offense basically. In terms of end-game/maps, again, I never got there in PoE2, but I did for PoE1 (where I did mapping a bit) -- it's just not really what I'm looking for.
I felt there were quite a few parallels to Diablo II in terms of setting and some other aspects (Act 2/3, in particular). I enjoyed that part but perhaps it was more nostalgia than anything. However, I do also remember that D2 was fun to replay and go through the campaign again. With PoE2, I just don't really feel the same way unfortunately (yes it's Early Access, but I still think some of the things mentioned in this thread are just too much to change). Several reasons would include perhaps the difficulty (still feel too many possibilities of "1-shots" in the game, and elemental aid mechanics like bleed, etc are a bit much, when there are very few ways to actually defend against it, with too few defense passive nodes, etc) and map size where D2 had a good balance in both aspects (where I remember many would replay the campaign during each ladder reset again and again -- one where I doubt will happen for PoE2 player base). Again, a large part was the aforementioned things above previously. I do feel D2 was a masterpiece and to be able to recreate an improved version of it would be an insane feat in itself. Of course, PoE2 is not necessarily trying to do that, but I guess that was what I personally was looking for. Though, again, if PoE2 campaign replayability improves just like in D2 then I do believe the game's longevity would increase for the player-base -- for now, I don't think players would replay the campaign and also not many for maps either (whole other discussion there from the PoE1 map veterans). Another bonus from D2 I remember was "speed-running" the game with friends to help them level up their characters fast. In PoE2, it's still possible but the setting for "party experience" has to be disabled in order to do this, but at the expense of the party experience -- while in D2, this trade-off was non-existent so it would be much more fun to speed-run your friends through the game, hence increasing more replayability -- again, now there's no real incentive other than to beat a boss, but with no experience during the run. Moreover, the "party scaling" was much more "balanced" in D2 I feel than in PoE2 and playing in parties for PoE2 is much less fun than it was in D2 -- again, this hurts PoE2 game longevity/replayability. I really don't have any belief that the above will change at all in terms of patching, etc. In the end, I feel it's difficult to design a game that caters to everyone of course. So, I say just enjoy it for what you can (personally, I enjoyed the time overall but I don't think the game has any longevity for me). Good luck and have fun. Trade is EZ mode. ;) | Path of Trading ;) | "TLDR: -1 Devs ohhh" (Lol.) | "I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4." ~Elon Musk, 2023 | "Dawg", "IQ 48" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | [Removed by Support]
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" this no need to say anything else. |
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Just finished with Cruel on a Titan. Started Maps. No fun at all. No Melee improvments. Forced to Play Ranged (Sanctum=melee killer).
Will stop playing since its not fun playing melee in this Game. Overall a big dissapointment that the devs didnt even try to make melee better. Hope Titan Quest 2 makes it better. |
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hard agree. Also, too many one-shots and our dodge invincibility time is unclear. Not having early movement skills and getting cornered is not good.
Bump. |
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" Right now, D4 is just the better game. Skip the campaign and go directly into open world kill everything that moves mode is fun. Forcing a shitty campaign with garbage bosses on everyone is shit. I am once again stuck on the Act 1 boss but now in Cruel and I think I am done with this game. I am still running around with the level 6 unique wand I found in the area directly after the first town in normal mode. My sorc is now level 53 and there was NO UPGRADE in those 50+ level ups for the weapon! That weapon had +3 to all spells! That is a huge damage boost and yet EVERY boss took forever. Also great idea to go into vacation while this game is in such a horrible state. Just a series of stupid decisions on GGG's side. Last edited by Kashrlyyk79#0713 on Dec 25, 2024, 1:49:58 AM
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" Totally false. Do you play with your eyes closed too, because it's more difficult? I don't want a difficult control scheme, I want the best control scheme, and that is WASD because it has the highest movement precision. You're really so uncoordinated you can't handle WASD, which is a completely superior method of control? Stop whining and spend a day mastering it and you won't ever look back. Also WASD has nothing to do with consoles. Do you see WASD keys on a controller? WASD are how you move in PC games my friend. Clicking and holding to move is how you move in a phone game. Last edited by AnimePillowCollector#2255 on Dec 25, 2024, 2:01:05 AM
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roll away from un dodgeable boss mechanic game with no movement speed game
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Yeah it's in a pretty bad state right now. Definitely very Early Access, and not a favorable preview either. I'm in maps, T5, and I'm struggling to find the motivation to log in right now. The control scheme is terrible, and buggy. Trials are annoying. You ideally need to use controller, but then you can't because stash management doesn't work well, and there is no hot swap to mouse. Major pain in the ass.
Last edited by ThreeChordDeathRiff#4970 on Dec 26, 2024, 6:25:41 AM
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Here's your bump....Game is amazing and I love every bit of it.... I just hope they nerf more stuff to make it more challanging tho. :) Last edited by Jacob_GGG#0000 on Dec 26, 2024, 6:57:01 PM
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