0.1.0c Patch Notes (restartless)

I see you all are still doing the tried and tested giving the community a very very small buff with a large reduction in loot. Hope that works out.
I see you all are still doing the tried and tested giving the community a very very small buff with a large reduction in loot. Hope that works out.

Where is this large reduction in loot you speak of? I see the opposite. Perhaps you should read the patch notes again.
andi242#4718 wrote:
killed the hyena yesterday, got swarmed and killed by adds.

Loot was lost. Will you fix that!? annoying AF. especially when uniques drop.

Intended, you died so you get nothing.
Rascalx#2773 wrote:
Is the team aware that a lot of players are having performance issues? Even people with good hardware cant get stable fps with constant dip down to single digit fps

Personally not had any issues with perf, 3080ti smashing it.
A small step into the right direction. I can understand you don't want to overshoot and improve things slowly, still would have preferred to have all currency boosted. Why nerf chaos drops, they were already beyond dismal... with the extreme rarity of proper bases, we urgently need alteration orbs back as well. Or give vendors infinite supply of bases (and decrease prices drastically).
No fixing of any of the most glaring issues yet but it's good to see some feedback has found ears to listen.
Guess we're too impatient, EA is meant to take time to balance properly.
Last edited by Jasmira#0473 on Dec 10, 2024, 2:23:32 AM
thanks for listening to us
Dragbug1#7888 wrote:
I see you all are still doing the tried and tested giving the community a very very small buff with a large reduction in loot. Hope that works out.

Where is this large reduction in loot you speak of? I see the opposite. Perhaps you should read the patch notes again.

Reduction in Chaos Orb drop chance? They should've increased overall quantity, not redistribute the drop chances when the amount of drops is scarce.

Also, they did this earlier in PoE1 as well, so there's nothing strange seeing people being skeptic about these changes. IMO, if they do not want to increase overall drops like I said above, they should've reduced the drop chance of transmutes and augments, not Chaos Orbs.
"An aspirant can afford to be promising. An emperor must keep those promises.", right, GGG?
Just looking over this it looks like an amazing all round patch. Glad to see the amazing work!
good bye Chaos orb after 11years...welcome exalt
Last edited by ariyako#7104 on Dec 10, 2024, 2:34:45 AM
We dfinitely need more of a boost but this is good! This is a step in the right direction for sure

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