[POE 2] Bugs

As previously reported by ChazMraz#1575, I am also getting the crash to desktop on the second boss in the Trial of the Sekhemas very consistently. I did the boss earlier on Dec. 15 2024 but I can't remember if I encountered that ability during that fight to compare to now.

It has happened [on Windows PC]:
- on all versions of directX and Vulkan
- on an older version and the lastest version of NVidia drivers
- only tested with my 1070TI and cpu so not sure if its card/cpu specific

In addition I got crippling studdering in a pervious hourglass trial room on the second floor of the trial. Whenever the monsters were spawning and the spawn swirlies appeared on the ground, the game would grind to a halt until the animation for the swirlies finished.

I don't have footage of the hourglass room studdering but I can consistently trigger the crash and still have honour in the run so have more attempts.
noysap#6576 wrote:
Hi, i finished act 1 and talked to the hooded one. Went to act 2 and the quest didnt finished...

It says Travel East and that i have to talk with the hooded one, but he doesnt have the option to travel any more..

And in act 2 i dont get any new quest.

What can i do.. plz help!!

Same bug... Im stuck.

Also Same bug here...
TestiAU#4497 wrote:
Heavy Stunned Mektul as Titan with crushing blows with a Sunder as he started lava ball dodge phase caused an AI bug that had him just walk to end of arena slowly. Post bug Heavy stuns did not break him out of walk

This happened to me as well. I heavy stunned him before he started the lava walk and he bugged out. he would only walk slowly forward, did not attack, and subsequent stuns did not interupt this.
Map 0 monsters, not complete ¿?

Visual bug: In Mawdun Mine Act 2 (normal or cruel) when running from waypoint/entrance area with map overlay on, the text of "Madwan Quarry" and "Waypoint" on the overlay map constantly jump on top of each other as character moves. shifts nearly every frame during running.
Bug experienced:
As of 15/12/2024:

Mercenary with Gemling Legionnaire ascendancy
Points allocated on the Crystalline Potential passive and the node leading to it, giving +12% skill quality in total.

- Entering a new area makes every ammunition type crossbow gem 0 ammo requiring a reload before use, except for Basic Bolt and the skill that's currently loaded on the crossbow which still has full ammunition.


Standing at Halani Gates waypoint, all ammo loaded full on skills.

After entering entering any other zone, including any town, all other skills have 0 ammo except for Basic Bolt and currently loaded PermaFrost Bolts.

This behaviour only began after acquiring the Gemling Legionnaire ascendancy and Crystalline Potential passive, which affect the quality of the skills.
Character bugs when unequipping item (and support gem).
Bug experienced:
As of 15/12/2024

On Act 2 Boss Rathbreaker there are two things:

- On my first run where I died when the boss was about half HP the hyena
demons started swarming on some intervals. However, on my second try the
Hyenas again at about half HP of the boss kept spawning at a rapid rate
without intervals I was getting swarmed all the time, I believe this is

- Again on my second try, I went down the platform after dropping boss down
to half HP to deal with the hyenas, I dragged most of them to near the
checkpoint killed them, meanwhile the boss got reset and back to full HP.
After I went back up to the platform the boss stopped performing any
skills, it was just regular attacks with occasional slams in small aoe,
also the spears that rained down on you didn't happen, nor did the charge and the two slashes followed by a slam.

So resetting him at half hp after leaving platform bugged him.
Bug experienced:
As of 15/12/2024

Ranger *Rain of Arrows* not applying *withering touch* with *envenom* (support) when used with any bow except cultist bow.
Last edited by Perkytricks#5016 on Dec 15, 2024, 3:36:04 AM
glacial bolt + humanoid bosses is a nightmare

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