[POE 2] Bugs

Bug experienced as of 28/12/2024
- when you have "Inevitable Critical" support gem with any totem skill once you use a flask the totems despawn. Without the support totems stay up and make their attacks.
Bug experienced as of 29/12/2024
- The fully cleared Stone Citadel (Mission even cleared) but the map is incomplete.
bug experienced 29/12/24

temple of kopec boss checkpoint not working sends back to start upon death.
Started a "Lockbox" event but after the black mist appeared nothing happened, no mobs spawned and can't open or receive loot from the lockbox

Tier 13 Map, Backwash

I ran into boss fight but there was no "enter arena" then. When i killed boss and tried to leave spot it is showing me the arena "space". I cant finish map as i cant exit boss arena but boss is already dead.

ID 2015917232


Last edited by Void_Mastah#3161 on Dec 29, 2024, 1:32:49 PM
Act 3 temple of chaos

- jumping with leap slam instead of using the elevator (after that trial master spwan mobs) does not activate combat.
- We have to disconnect and lauch trial again

Can confirm - same thing happened to me, if you leapslam down, mosters are mostly inactive, can be taunted with warcry but take no damage.

Other bugs on the trial related to Leapslam - If you accidentaly leapslam onto an elevated platfrom that goes down when challenge is ended, it goes down with you and never goes up again(it has a lever near it, but it stays inactive after challenge done) - basically failing trial, cause can't proceed to next room

And another one - Trialmaster himself, encountered following - when he used his ability that stops time and casts 3 bolts following voice line "Enthropy" i was frozen in that time like a minute or 2(managed to describe in chat what happened - XD) and the thankfully unfroze, but thought to log out at that point, aslo he then casted it almost immidiately again, and reset all the built bars on himself, after that fight proceeded as normal
Rare got stuck, can't kill it


Last edited by juncraul#1952 on Dec 29, 2024, 2:25:22 PM
Exaclty same bug again

ID 951092874

Bug Report ID: #3217868015

Bug I started a Delirium on my Map. And no Mobs spawned.

Getting a random bug were not all exit points are spawning in maps during campaign.

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