[POE 2] Bugs

Whenever you get this particular layout to a "Collect all the Soul Cores" map within the Trial of Chaos, mobs spawn but there are never soul cores:

A buddy of mine mentioned that he had experienced this map, but it required two people - one to throw this switch and the other to stand where I'm standing. Unfortunately, this area can occur even if you're not in a party, and if you try to create one after the fact, your party members cannot join the area to help.
Last edited by uRxP_DrChocolate#5923 on Dec 24, 2024, 2:37:01 PM
Map Burial Bog with Boss encounter has bugged, can't leave arena
You CANNOT pause the game during Zarokh's 1-shot mechanic. If you hit escape to pause during, it will not pause his mechanic so you'll fail it and be insta-killed when exiting pause. Cost me a run with 12 Golden Keys, kind of salty about it but I assume it's not intentional
"Chaos Inoculation" does not give you immunity to chaos just drop your life to 1.
I am playing on PS, as a witch and ascendancy is infernalist.
Hi all,

Bug report: #3,324,153,603

Visual bug happens even after pressing esc, seems like the dead bodies glitched through the floor =)

Great game btw, thanks!
Basic Attack Titan here (Mace Strike). When I click interactibles like items or chests, sometimes my basic attack stops working. Then I can't attack for 1-2 seconds which can mean certain death in some situations since I'm playing a leech build. Very annoying. Lost my two highest maps because of it.
Not sure if already posted but I can no longer see sockets in items unless they are selected. Both empty and socketed with runes.
Endgame burial bog, killed the boss but cant get out of the boss area to kill the remaining rare monster to complete the map.
With comet socketed in cast-on-freeze, using a skill gem to level up comet (from 13 to 14 in my case), the text in the skill description tooltip text was bugged. Instead of saying "0 > +1 to total cast time" it said "0<charges>(>1) to total cast time" or something like that. When alt was held, the box looked normal.
Bugs experienced:
As of 24/12/2024:
#Bug Report ID: #56298579

-Three support gems were equipped with Elemental Storm skill from Stormweaver ascendency.
-all of them were deleted when ascendency points were removed.

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