Bloodmage [EA] - "Sanguine Bonemage" - Phys/Crit Build (+ some Bleed/Break)

real2310#7621 wrote:
guys try momentum.. thats all im gonna say.. but ssssh

Momentum is pretty interesting. I was thinking it wouldn't count since we don't move while shooting, but I guess we are constantly strafing while building up our volley of bones.
What's the best way to generate Power Charges here? I've been doing Profane Ritual obviously, but is there a better way? I don't love doing it this way.

There's the Lingering Illusion idea from RawrBomb a few posts below yours, or using Pin and Combat Frenzy support to on Bonestorm to generate Frenzy Charges, and auto converting them to Power Charges with Resonance on the passive Tree.
i would not go charges.. tried a lot.. its far better to stick with pure dmg and use some other spell for clearing packs
step 1- First step to playing a bone necro is to admit you are playing a bone necro. You throw some weak ass bone teeth and blow up the whole screen when 1 enemy dies.

step 2 - scattershot (charges 3 times as fast = 1.5x damage), concentrated effect (until you have ALOT of critical dmg)

step 3 - you are a bone necro, f*cking play corpse explosion as our good lord intended (detonate dead, unleash, considered casting, corpse conserve)

step x - the rest is up to your playstyle but minimum I recommend bone cage spell cascade with pin, blasphemy enfeeble ritual curse.

step my build - I play tanky boy with leap slam (to move through some situation and to heavy stun in very specific edge cases) with hammer of the gods cause I break armor alot on bosses its a good spike of dmg, frost wall because bone necro needs a wall god damnit, some unearth to create some diversion minions and to just consume corpses for + dmg

Another option if you dont have good dps + skill wand is to get a minion wand for the tanky skeletons that stuns, give them maim to slow. They are just there as distraction

note: don't waste nodes and stats on power charges crap holy f*ck its bad, bone storm DOES NOT AOE.

edit: I am also bloodmage - full on physical dmg nodes
Last edited by chaoticalix#4060 on Dec 12, 2024, 8:11:16 AM
I definitely hear everyone on just using Bonestorm to get your first corpse for Detonate Dead. That is definitely clearing faster, as were frost builds before the nerf.

If you want to play a fun build, I'd totally run that with the alternate passive tree that maximizes crit in the first post. Totally legit take. I can set up part of the guide to promoting that.

I'm still going to muddle through trying to get completely physical build to be competitive if possible, as that seems what the nodes in the ascendancy and many of the crit nodes in the passive tree would resonate with, even though its not quite working in practice. I find that interesting.

Thematically this is the build I would like to play, currently level 67 and just getting into maps on a hexblast/ed/contagion chaos build (though blood mage sounded cool and committed). Are any of you mapping with this setup I'm trying to gauge how it performs in comparison
step 1- First step to playing a bone necro is to admit you are playing a bone necro. You throw some weak ass bone teeth and blow up the whole screen when 1 enemy dies.

step 2 - scattershot (charges 3 times as fast = 1.5x damage), concentrated effect (until you have ALOT of critical dmg)

step 3 - you are a bone necro, f*cking play corpse explosion as our good lord intended (detonate dead, unleash, considered casting, corpse conserve)

step x - the rest is up to your playstyle but minimum I recommend bone cage spell cascade with pin, blasphemy enfeeble ritual curse.

step my build - I play tanky boy with leap slam (to move through some situation and to heavy stun in very specific edge cases) with hammer of the gods cause I break armor alot on bosses its a good spike of dmg, frost wall because bone necro needs a wall god damnit, some unearth to create some diversion minions and to just consume corpses for + dmg

Another option if you dont have good dps + skill wand is to get a minion wand for the tanky skeletons that stuns, give them maim to slow. They are just there as distraction

note: don't waste nodes and stats on power charges crap holy f*ck its bad, bone storm DOES NOT AOE.

edit: I am also bloodmage - full on physical dmg nodes

What does your tree look like and are you going like a full armor base or a mix?
Last edited by hsiegfried44#0722 on Dec 12, 2024, 1:42:30 PM
Is it worth to go malice sceptre? atleast on early stage or mid
What is a good way to get some mana income? I'm constantly running out.

What does your tree look like and are you going like a full armor base or a mix?

Physical nodes top left, Shredding force, cut to the bone. Tempered mind top right with meat recycling. Into Deadly force, jugularm, true strike. Going down into moment of truth, crashing wave.
On going debate on where to get recoup, using taunt flesh and loose flesh.
I am trying to get cast speed at this point to boost dmg vs bosses. Packs are really easy with corpse and pin/wall.

I am only at t2 maps so I don't know yet if I will need to go invest more into armour nodes or recoup nodes. I also don't have my 3rd/4th ascendancy, I went into bloodbarbs. When I have Gorespike (next ascandency) I will see how much dmg it helps for bosses and will base offf that to remove stat nodes like int stats. I try to keep int (str = hp) at the minimum I require so every now and then I gotta respec a few nodes when I change pieces of gear.

I am at 2.1k life usually a regular/blue pack gets me up to ~3k after they all dead.

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