Where are my pathfinders at?

TeaVice#7645 wrote:
I'm at wits end with poison.
Against mobs its fine, clears with relative ease.
But against bosses it's trash and I dont know how it was allowed in.
Just can't generate the damage enough to kill Mektul before the lava fills and wipes me.
Maybe I've gotten bad rng with bad drops.

That's strange because I killed him easily both times.

What's your set up right now? What skills are you using with what supports?

And what's your bow look like?
Bleetal#0102 wrote:
Alright, some more updates since I've been mapping.

My damage is starting to fall off, but I think it's because my bow is outdated. Working on that.

Now I understand why Vine Arrow feels like it does nothing, because it actually does. The slow not working makes the skill feel pretty useless to press. I'm gonna switch to pinning with rain of arrows for control.

Also, Plague Bearer is absolutely insane with these links:

Magnified Effect
Chaos Mastery
Physical Mastery

Also take the +1 to chaos skills in the tree.

The cooldown from expanse doesn't really matter since Plague Bearer needs to charge anyway between uses. You basically press it and it deletes the entire screen, and hits hard against Rares/Bosses too. Really really fun to use. My Plague bearer is also only level 17 right now, I can probably get it up a few more levels.

Rotation now for packs is just gas arrow with scattershot to charge plague bearer quickly, and then for rares or tough packs fire a toxic growth and pop plague bearer, everything dies.

For bosses, it's Despair > Gas Arrow > Toxic Growth > Plague Bearer

Going to try the rain of arrows tech you guys are mentioning with combat frenzy.

Keep it coming, I think we're collectively starting to figure this class out.

Also disappointing to hear that the concoction sucks. Was looking at maybe using it as a way to charge plague bearer very quickly with scattershot, but the more I think about it, the 30% kiting speed and immunity to slows is just really good in this game. That's almost definitely where my last 4 ascendancy points are going.

This has worked wonders for me after having tried everything / type of poison build (excluding flame wall shenanigans). I'm at the very end of A2 cruel right now and struggling however. Just a quick Q, what kind of bow do you use (I'm still using a crappy cultist bow for the chaos damage) and would you be willing to share your passives?


Hey, sure! This is my current tree:


I couldn't fit it in one image, so had to do two.

I respec'd to try flame wall + gas arrow, but it wasn't that much better, was a lot more annoying to play, and was tanking my fps lol. I've since switched back to pure poison, just spamming gas arrow and plague bearer and I'm flying through maps.

In terms of your bow, the cultist bow is good from when you first get it to carry you for a while, but if you're in act 2 cruel, then it's probably better to check the vendors and pick up some cruel bow bases from the ground and use your currency on them. A bow with high phys damage will do you better than the chaos bow at this point.
Last edited by Bleetal#0102 on Dec 9, 2024, 11:28:49 PM
I'm sorry but this class is completely cooked as poison. The flame nerf was absurd. I'm lvl 44 and trying to do anything but flame/poison combo is like purposely cutting off your legs to see what it feels like to be in a wheelchair.

The mana problems are ridiculous. I've stacked every mana regen, spent numerous nodes on intellect, and run the mandatory clarity on plaguebearer and it doesn't matter since 5 poison clouds put you to 0. If you aren't using flame wall, it's 3x worse than it already was since fire wall is cheap while all ranger spells cost far too much per cast.

Your only burst(toxic growth) is something that takes an eternity while you do a dumb backflip and now you're surrounded when you land. Did I mention you can also be hit while doing your circus show so you come down with half hp anyway?

Detonating arrow has to be fully charged to ignite anything, what planet were they on?

Meanwhile my merc friend comes in drops some fire bombs and deletes the entire zone, probably deletes the town you stay at too. Or frost sorc who comes in permafrosts everything in the room and deletes them with orbs. It's like 2 different games.

I hope somebody can find something that works, but right now I think this class combo needs serious changes.
I'm sorry but this class is completely cooked as poison. The flame nerf was absurd. I'm lvl 44 and trying to do anything but flame/poison combo is like purposely cutting off your legs to see what it feels like to be in a wheelchair.

The mana problems are ridiculous. I've stacked every mana regen, spent numerous nodes on intellect, and run the mandatory clarity on plaguebearer and it doesn't matter since 5 poison clouds put you to 0. If you aren't using flame wall, it's 3x worse than it already was since fire wall is cheap while all ranger spells cost far too much per cast.

Your only burst(toxic growth) is something that takes an eternity while you do a dumb backflip and now you're surrounded when you land. Did I mention you can also be hit while doing your circus show so you come down with half hp anyway?

Detonating arrow has to be fully charged to ignite anything, what planet were they on?

Meanwhile my merc friend comes in drops some fire bombs and deletes the entire zone, probably deletes the town you stay at too. Or frost sorc who comes in permafrosts everything in the room and deletes them with orbs. It's like 2 different games.

I hope somebody can find something that works, but right now I think this class combo needs serious changes.

Try cold or lightning builds, it's much better than poison. Flame wall looks interesting like elemental combo with 2 or 3 elements build.
The problem is I don't have enough gold to respec completely from experimenting with poison trying to figure something out. I also don't have gear/weps as I'm sure you stack diff damage modifiers for those.

It's honestly pretty unacceptable to come out and nerf a build by 60% of their damage, after 2-3 days from release no less, and not give people a free respec. I'm not sure who thought that made any sense, but seeing decisions like that makes me really question if this game is going to be going in a direction for long term success.
Last edited by suchacrisis#2704 on Dec 10, 2024, 12:37:04 AM
Just wanted to say thanks for the tips on plague bearer, Bleetal. It has made this so much less of a hassle now
I'm sorry but this class is completely cooked as poison. The flame nerf was absurd. I'm lvl 44 and trying to do anything but flame/poison combo is like purposely cutting off your legs to see what it feels like to be in a wheelchair.

I hope somebody can find something that works, but right now I think this class combo needs serious changes.

I'm currently blasting through cruel with this setup:
- pin + lockdown on basic aa so I have no mana issues
- rain of arrows + chaos infusion and withering touch
- combat frenzy for frenzy charges on pin, you can put clarity here
- gas arrow + corrsion, deadly posion and envenom

Currently finishing all the poison nodes on the tree. Looking forward to checking Plague Bearer suggested here.
The problem is I don't have enough gold to respec completely from experimenting with poison trying to figure something out. I also don't have gear/weps as I'm sure you stack diff damage modifiers for those.

It's honestly pretty unacceptable to come out and nerf a build by 60% of their damage, after 2-3 days from release no less, and not give people a free respec. I'm not sure who thought that made any sense, but seeing decisions like that makes me really question if this game is going to be going in a direction for long term success.

Did you specc into fire damage or something?
I have been trying poison for a while, but it just feels very subpar and I came here to read as I was probably doing something wrong... Would someone have some of those lightning builds for PF that I could try? I see that's what is getting used in higher tiers instead of poison, so I would like to just give it a go for a bit and try. So far I'm in act 3 spamming rain of arrows with poison chance and a chaos bow that I found laying around.
I have just arrived at Cruel act 2 with my poison pathfinder. Struggled a bit initially, but after unlocking Gas Arrow I have been blazing through all the maps and melting bosses really well.

I dont have the game in front of me but I basically do 3 (ok, 4 things):

1 - Gas Arrow with the +1 poison thing, the remove armor support and the "explode when armor break" support 2. Meaning they get to 8 poison ticks fast, keep losing armor and sometimes there are some explosions, which seems to ignite the gas clouds

2 - Toxic Growth with Plague and remove the armor break debuff for more damage. Serious damage on bosses and everything else.

For mob clearing I basically throw 1-2 Gas Arrows and then 1 Toxic Growth proc is enough for most of them.

3 - For buff, I have wind dancer with clarity and blind on hit (I have roughly 72-74% evasion with stage 3 on Cruel)

4 - Sometimes I throw some vines, focused on slow and scattershot. Helps keeping the poison up and slow

It has been really fun so far. As long as you dont get hit much on bosses, the 8 poison ticks do the job. It is a matter of picking all the +1 poison nodes, all extra poison magnitude you can, faster poison damage and then focusing on attack damage and projectile damage to really amplify that damage.

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