Guild points donated from guild member are missing PoE 2

A guild member sent 300 points to our guild in order for us to buy a couple of stashes. I received the message confirming said points but as a guild leader I can't find them on the usual tab, which is the guild transactions tab as mentioned in the message.

We are waiting for an answer or a fix before we commit more points on the guild
Last bumped on Feb 16, 2025, 10:28:38 AM
Luiamune#5452 wrote:
I can't find them on the usual tab, which is the guild transactions tab as mentioned in the message.

Are you looking at your PoE2 guild?
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Yes, I have clicked the tab with my PoE 2 guild, followed by view guild transactions as mentioned by the message, it hasn't shown any transactions there yet
I am also having this issue.

Donated points. Points not there. Still charged me points for the donating to apparently nothing.

All I wanted was a guild stash tab...
Nemesis: IGN: ChillwindFafnir
Hardcore: IGN: Munshin
Same issue here. Donated coins to guild, coins were removed from me but never showed up for the guild
Same problem here, I donated to the guild, and points are already deducted from my account, but it doesn't appear on the guild points
Last edited by eXks#5927 on Dec 7, 2024, 10:44:41 PM
Same issue, i donated 400 that never showed up in the guild but did detract from my balance. My guild leader then donated 404 and it worked just fine for him.
Same problem here. :-(
Same problem here. As the guild owner, I'm the only one that's able to transfer(my own) points to make them useable in game.
Same for me, when I add as guild leader the points are available but when a member adds points I get the message notifying me about it but no related transaction in the guild transaction page.

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