Honor mechanic makes me hate path of exile 2 already.
" Sure, the beginning Sanctum is quite easy, for certain builds. That's the whole problem with Sanctum and Ultimatum. They both took specific builds to be capable of completing. Using them as the trial for character progression is absolutely ridiculous. Some builds just will not be capable of doing either of them. Wait til you get in to the Cruel difficulty Sanctum and have to deal with the garbage trap design and a second floor worth of crap and another boss at the end with horrible hitboxes and ridiculous placement and when you get hit your honour is gone in the blink of an eye. And that's just the first two trials. There's still two more difficulties to go after that for all 8 Ascendancy points. If they plan to keep this crap they need to ditch the Honour bar, or SEVERELY reduce how much Honour you lose when you inevitably get hit by horrible trap design and way to much boss AoE that chunks your Honour. Oh, did I mention that when you fail the Cruel difficulty you lose the key to start the run? Yeah you don't just get to ask Balbala for another try. They're quite rare drops. |
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i believe any class can take a sceptre, grab fire spell+srs, overlevel and destroy it later
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Every source of damage is avoidable. Melee a little less so, especially with how clunky dodging around some of the boss's attacks can be (and the obnoxious amount of random damage sources), but overall it is quite doable. Every single enemy has telegraphed attacks, literally everything is avoidable. After understanding it, short of bad luck like a bad rare spawn (or the bug that perma slowed me from the spider webbing so other webbing stacked along with cold sources), I'm playing slow ass mace slam warrior and can beat it quite reliably so far Just gotta know you attack speed and when to dodge and weave in attacks. The boss isn't a rush and has pretty tight hit boxes on his attacks, so even ranged could fight him in melee range without much issue.
They seem to want to require players to think differently with some of these mechanics unlike PoE1 which is just 80% move speed and entire screen filled with 1m+ DPS insta gibbing nonsense. Meanwhile, Ultimatum is cancerously overtuned and I still can't complete it because of just how much raw ridiculous damage everything does, it's like the expect you to have max resists (and like 30%+ Chaos) and 3k effective HP by act 3 to have any hope. |
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I 100% agree, as a PoE 1 sanctum enjoyer, This version is terrible. There is not one redeeming quality of it yet, off screens, traps that take 25% of your honor, mods that spawn underneath you, the 1st two boss fights are a cake walk, then you get to the scorpion and its so spazzy..... and one hit and oop there goes all your honor.
I seriously hate everything about it, I just want my accendy points, and ultimatum is bugged, so you have to do sanctum. Did I mention I hate everything about sanctum in poe 2. I seriously cant kill the 3rd boss, as soon as the fucking this spawns it goes full berserker mode, takes half your honor, then when you go to try and lay some damage on it, it goes underground, then pops up to finished you off. Both times, I was only able to hit it once or twice before it goes into its invulnerable stage and it just dumpsters all your honor in a matter of seconds. And dont get me started on the obscene amount of honor traps take from you. Did I mention I really fucking hate sanctum in poe 2? Fuck this game mode and everything about it. /rantover Last edited by Blacksheep2988#7072 on Dec 10, 2024, 4:42:16 PM
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What's the worth of honor when you lose it when hit on energy shield?
This is BS on a great scale. I want a game that bases on skill, not luck! If I invested in shield- I want to be able to use my skills! |
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Yeah. This is the first time since 2014 I just... don't have any version of PoE on my computer. WASD movement feels so amazing I can't really stand PoE1 anymore. Sanctum/Ultimatum is so insanely unfun that they've ruined PoE2 in its entirety.
I hope something changes, I want this game to succeed, but it won't like this. The few friends I finally got to try PoE(2) due to lack of bloat quit because of this. The person who got me into PoE way back in the day wont' even play it because of the same thing. This is Shadowlands-levels of "We know better screw the players." |
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" Campaign Santum is a literal cakewalk compared to Cruel Sanctum. Lvl 71 Titan. 3rd ascendancy. Full bar of 2,200 honor on the 2nd floor. Get nailed with an ignite or something while attacking a rare monster - honor goes to zero in about 1.5 seconds. Waste of 30 careful minutes of playing absurdly defensively This is not a measure of skill. It is not fun. It is miserable. |
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The RNG of it is what tips the scale of unbearable. Oops, the path I couldn't see has me dead-end into a build-disabling curse. Guess I'm boned.
By merci, you have to go through three floors, and with the amount of curses, the chance of you just getting uncontrollably scuffed is not low. The scorpion boss is so wild too. People complained about Labyrinth traps? The scorpion boss has Izaro's traps but worse. |
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+1. address quickly or lose a ton of players GGG
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yeah big agree sanctum is lame i hate it, jsut got my clear though yesterday on my 2nd attempt cant imagine getting the 3 more tbh such a drag
Add Scion To PoE2
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