POE2 on console please let us have fun too. Fix controller settings

What was wrong with it in poe 1? Aiming felt AMAZING. I guess it's the ability to back pedal while attacking enemies, but I would rather not be able to do that if it meant I could aim properly. It should AT LEAST target the mobs closest to me by default.

Overriding the auto targeting by using the right stick feels horrible and isn't feasible when my right thumb is already occupied with 2-4 buttons.

Yep. I was just running from a bunch of juiced rare mob explosions and into a room filled with SMALL WHITE MOBS and IT WOULD NOT LET ME TARGET THEM, instead staying fixed on mobs on the OTHER SIDE OF THE WALL and I got body blocked and dead. T15 juiced map wasted, not because I'm bad at the game, but because the game is bad. Not a skill issue, it's a developer issue. Played games for 35 years and this is among the most frustrating thing I've ever experienced in a game, and I beat Earthworm Jim 1&2... lol
But it won't get fixed because I haven't heard a streamer btch about it.

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