Sisters of Garukhan did not reward +10% lightning res after defeting them.

Was bugged for me too. Clicked on the Shrine, killed everyting around it, its greyed out on the Map, but I didn't get the Resistances.
Same for me, cleared the entire map and nothing. Maybe because I died after completing the 6 sisters platform but before beating the boss?
It looks like it applies the benefit directly. HOWEVER, since you have a -10% resistance penalty in Act 2 and this adds 10%, when you add up all the lightning resistance from your gear it equals your resistance so it looks like you didn't get it.
Add up resistance from your gear from the base starting value of -10% and it should be 10% below your character's stat sheet resistance, indicating you got the benefit.

I agree that this probably should be an item or at least a bonus banner to clarify since that's what so many of the other bonuses do. Something to let people know they got the buff.
Last edited by CatsHaveNoHonor#7631 on Dec 8, 2024, 1:58:50 PM
and i with this bug/ i clear ALL towers, but not reward +10 light res.
for me the mobs didn't even show up, i cant click on the shrine.
Same for me, made sure to go through the entire map and kill all of the statues, and no res buff.

Adding to this bug, I have cleared the map and cleared the Sisters of Garukhan (map has it greyed out).. no +10% lightning rez given
same here, also cant finish titan's treasure.
same for me

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