POE 2 Complete PC Freeze while loading screen
i have same issue on lenovo legion 5 pro rtx 3070 ryzen 6800h. Windows 11 with latest update..
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" Manners cost nothing, entitlement however Alot of us are suffering with this issue the fact so many of you are out right stating "GGG dont care and are ignoring the issue" is your emotions and feelings bubbling over because you want to play the game, thats all well and good but when you start behaving like such entitled children it gets a tad embarrassing, why you feel the need to angrily lie instead of just stating your issue and moving on IE not giving the company any more of your time and money so they are forced to address the issue but instead of the child behaviour and continuing to risk your hardware and keeping their playerbase figures up and you are seemingly losing your mind on an internet forum because you cant engage with digital pixels, think about which is more worrying for a company a large portion of their player base suddenly stops playing or a bunch of whiny complaints making up their own statements about the company mixed among people actually reporting an issue....... if its that much of an issue for you then speak to your bank instead of making things up. And yes they've updated the known issues thread every patch providing us with info, they've asked in both the threads for reports, they've added something for another crash to the client but yea sure, "they havent done a single thing to make it look like they are evening trying". Again, entitlement at its finest = "they arent working on my time frame so I will lie" just laughable | |
" I mean if this was a AAA company they'd have been raked over the coals for this by tech media. In the commercial environment a coding firm would have been fired a long time ago for lack of communication. We can't fire them, getting a refund from Valve won't happen and going through the credit card company is a giant pain in the ass due to the circumstances. This sort of treatment of the customer is completely unacceptable. I don't blame people at all for the way they are acting. Last edited by AnubisXT#0335 on Jan 29, 2025, 3:31:59 PM
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Posting this just in the offchance it helps someone else.
After a month of my game crashing my system before I even got to the login screen my issue seems to be completely fixed. Just needed to replace the pin cable from the PSU to my GPU. Been working like a charm ever since. Was maybe coincidence, or maybe because the game has more power spikey-ness, but my old cable apparently was no longer capable when it came to more intensive games. Good luck all |
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For the GGG white knights out there, please just sit down and go away.
this thread alone speaks for itself. so anytime you want to defend GGG, choose another place and another time. Because they have really really really dropped the ball on this one. |
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" Let's work backward in your post: 1) They have NEVER addressed this specific issue. They blame Windows 24H2 in one post. In another they added an issue tracker for DirectX 12. The issue that people are experiencing is a hard crash on loading screens, regardless of operating system, OS version, or DirectX version. That has never specifically been called out by GGG or addressed in any way in any of the patch notes. 2) I did contact my bank and get a refund. A process that I shouldn't have had to go through since the game is fundamentally broken, and either GGG should've said "we're working on it and will compensate you" or Steam should issue refunds no questions asked. I haven't "made things up" at all. 3) I stopped playing a long time ago specifically because I didn't want to risk my hardware, so...thanks for the advice? What about all of your other fellow consumers who are newly experiencing this issue or have had it reappear after some success with one of the many workarounds? GGG needs to fix this, plain and simple. 4) It is not "entitlement" to expect a working product when you pay money for it. Steam itself defines early access as "a playable game". This game is not playable. If we're not "entitled" to a working copy of the game, then what exactly did we pay money for? Grow up dude and take your sanctimonious nonsense somewhere else. |
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What's up with defending GGG over this. Of course we have the right to me mad about this.
I personally would not be mad if I got some communication back from the devs. I just want to know that they are pulling all availible resources into solving this issue, and give us some explanation to why they are unable to deliver on their end of the deal for almost 2 months. The way I see it now is that they are either not giving a fuck, or are incompitent. Both are bad. Incompitence means that they cant deliver on the live service experience I paid for. We are all well over the minimum specs right? Imagine having an old computer, lagging like crazy and can't get a stable fps, most other games runs decent. Buying a new computer that is well over the recomended requirements just to play this game, still get lag, but on top of that also total pc freezes, making the game litterally unplayable. And then this treatment back from the developer? Its like they released the game and then logged out. Its not a good look. If you are not mad you don't have integrity. Whats worse is that there is a band-aid fix for this crash availible for them to deliver at any point. And that is to give us a run parameter or checkbox in the settings to disable multitheading on load screen. That would solve the issue for 99% of players instantly. Its not a permanent solution, but one that would make almost anyone able to play. |
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" I agree with you, the worst thing is that my whole laptop freezes. I wouldnt mind the game crashing only.. iam worried sometimes that al those freezes and restarting start hurting my laptop in the long run :( |
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" Difficult to resolve? This problem can be solved (circumvented) in an elementary way, and all the tools to circumvent it are already in the game. All you need is a few lines of code, but apparently GGG are too busy to pay attention to such “little things”. That's as far as “workarounds” that would allow the vast majority to play the game in peace. As for fully solving a problem, there is no problem that can take 2+ months to find a solution, if any attention is paid to finding a solution, given that we clearly know how and when it occurs. Last edited by Ex_Lazy_Cat#6341 on Jan 29, 2025, 4:32:13 PM
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It's outrageous this hasn't been fixed yet and people have to resort to using random software on github to just play the game they paid for. Get it together GGG.
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