Merging Accounts

I had not played in a while, logged into my online account and it wanted me 2 relink my steam in order to get an early access key.

Re-linking, for some reason, created an additional blank PoE account which provided the steam access key which I started playing on once available. It has none of my account credit, MTX purchases and did not receive the twitch drops.

I can swap between the new blank account and my original on the forums and on the in game menu. The original still has all my purchases and received the twitch drops.

I emailed GGG support asking if this new blank account could be merged into my orignal, response below:

Thank you for the message. I am afraid that this is not something we are able to do. I am sorry for this result

I just started over after swapping back to my original account.

Hopefully others did not get too far in the game without realising the same mistake i made.

At least you can play because your accounts are considered subaccounts, so just need to reroll in the correct one. Most people can't even switch accounts, so 1 account got the EA access and the other account got the previous microtransactions...

That's terrible, can't understand how this issue can still be a thing.

Anyaway, thanks for the feedback and have fun ;)
Pardon my english, I'm French :p

SSF for the win!
Same here After merging accounts on PS5

I can play, but my character is gone.

Hoping for support.


After I created a new character in the game, exited, and logged back in, a menu appeared prompting me to switch the sub-account by pressing the R3 button on the PS5.

this helped me and my character is back.
Last edited by usedfurniture#9409 on Dec 9, 2024, 8:54:56 AM
Same here After merging accounts..

I can play, but my character is gone.

Hoping for support.

Will all the issues now, I think you will have more chance by rerolling.. You can ask someone to transfer all your stuff from the character you previously made to the new one. Sure it will be annoying to do it again but you will go faster this time, especially with some stuff already..
It will be faster than waiting for an answer from the support I think.

Good luck and Have fun ;)
Pardon my english, I'm French :p

SSF for the win!
Having the same problem. Bought early access supporter pack on Steam, created a new account to be prepared because I forgot about my old one that had been created previously when I gave PoE 1 a try on Steam years ago (which I dropped pretty quick but loving PoE 2 so far), linked Steam with the newly created account and started playing on friday. Everything worked as expected, but I was just wondering where my coins are. Today I just saw that there are two accounts and im playing on the one that I newly created, but the coins are on the old account. How is this possible? Like, early access is enabled on the new account but the 300 coins are on the old one? Doesn't make sense at all. Sent support a message and looking forward to hear from them. I mean, like, that is a clear bug to me. Having coins on one account and early access is enabled on the other. What the heck...
I’m having the same issue. I thought adding my accounts would link them in the same way every other game with cross-progression and micro transactions would. Now I have three different account with different things.

Sent an email to support, so hoping that it’ll get resolved.
Also in the same boat - except support mailbox is full and mails are now bouncing :(
Mortaim#1785 wrote:
Having the same problem. Bought early access supporter pack on Steam, created a new account to be prepared because I forgot about my old one that had been created previously when I gave PoE 1 a try on Steam years ago (which I dropped pretty quick but loving PoE 2 so far), linked Steam with the newly created account and started playing on friday. Everything worked as expected, but I was just wondering where my coins are. Today I just saw that there are two accounts and im playing on the one that I newly created, but the coins are on the old account. How is this possible? Like, early access is enabled on the new account but the 300 coins are on the old one? Doesn't make sense at all. Sent support a message and looking forward to hear from them. I mean, like, that is a clear bug to me. Having coins on one account and early access is enabled on the other. What the heck...

I am in exactly the same situation as you. 11 years ago I downloaded Poe from Steam and played for a while. Since it was so long ago, I couldn't remember if I had an account or not. All I had to do was add an email and password to the account that Steam automatically created. Then I sent a password reset request to my email account that I always use, but no verification email came. I tried to log in with Steam. When I tried to add an email and password, I got the following error.

"You cannot add this login method to this account.

The email on the account you want to merge must be verified to complete this process."

Then I had to connect the Poe account that I had just opened with the Poe account that Steam had previously created, and now there are 2 accounts. As I said, my only goal was to set an email and password for my Poe account that Steam automatically created. I sent a ticket to Poe support about the issue, I hope they can help.
This is a marker for time stamp on Same issues in the Forum email issue merge 2 accounts. Not sure where second account came from... Dev mail box full
Last edited by BlazenBaze#5427 on Dec 9, 2024, 4:31:12 PM
I merged my Sony account under my previously only-Steam enabled account and poof! My PoE 2 char that I've been playing with is now gone to the void. No idea where it went, and how to access it. No idea what GGG was thinking with this implementation
update - after about 10 minutes, I re-launched via Steam client and the subaccount drop down is now available showing both my Sony account and original Steam-created account.

So just maybe give it some time. Classic impatient Andy here

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