Merging Accounts

+1 for magical old never touched account getting poe 2 yet the steam account that bought the game gets naff all ive had to sit and watch my friends play all weekend its kinda disheartening

i had one generic message from support about a day ago and no response since i replied to the querey

damn that sucks :(

I guess at least I can play, but I didn't even get the generic response from the email :(
Throw all your bullets in a fire.. and run like hell! ©
same problem here. Recently contacted them by email. Requested for my xbox account to be merged with my main pc account. They both show up in game in poe 2 but for some reason the game treated my xbox account as my main so all my current hours of playthrough are on the "secondary account" (xbox) and not the main account

(all of the playthrough hours I am talking about on poe 2 have been done of PC using steam)

So now I'm stuck with the microtransactions I had purchased on my secondary account (xbox) which are much fewer than my main account (pc) and both microtransactions are NOT merged as of now
I really hope I don't have to restart and select the main account in poe 2 and start over...
I thought both accounts would be MERGED... not just "associated" or "both accessible in game" I want them to become ONE

On top of all this, I'm missing my 300 pts I've purchased recently, they don't show up on both accounts :(

Marry my accounts together please GGG (as in one thing altogether).
Same happened to me because i had my PoE1 acc on epic game and decided to play PoE2 on steam... please fix it we loosing the hype!!!!
Same here. I have 3 accounts. 🤷‍♂️

One from PlayStation with lots of stash tabs.
One from the time that I played on my Mac with lots of stash tabs.
And now one from steam so I can play POE2 on Mac through gforce now.
I have access with al 3 accounts in poe2,
but only bought access through steam and PlayStation. 🤷‍♂️

Only got my coins on the steam one Nothing on PlayStation. 🤷‍♂️
Got my stash tabs on 1 account but not on the PlayStation one.🤷‍♂️
With this said I don’t even know which account is which. 😅
I don’t even know with what account I am posting this reply.

I just want 1 playable account with my stash tabs I bought (for 2 diffrent systems)
so I can play on PlayStation and my steam account.

I thought my stashtabs should be there but they are not.
It’s getting very complicated to even explain this.

But thx for the game GGG, really love POE2.
But it could be beter if my tabs were there.

Last edited by elcaro83#9514 on Dec 8, 2024, 4:49:02 PM
Please tell me someone has fix for this because I am really annoyed after linking my account and adding email address it's literally made me lose all my progress
Dang, it looks like we’re all on the boat. Has anyone heard back or gotten their accounts merged. I didn’t realize it was 2 separate accounts until way into act 1. I’m thinking I may just say screw it and make a brand new email and use that. It’s just a hassle having two accounts.
For anyone wondering

I merged my accounts. It accomplished literally nothing. Same shitty character I just started playing. No stash tabs. No MTX. Now I'm seeking them to remove the useless account from my steam and hoping that will fix this issue for me. I've seen in another thread that a mod had done it for some people before. Praying its the same case here because I really don't feel like refunding just to go through downloading again.

Oh I should mention that I merged my main with my Steam useless account that was the first thing I ever played. No idea how it works with console.
Last edited by desellier12326#0167 on Dec 9, 2024, 12:42:28 AM
So many people have this issue. Actually mostly because you guys didn't login and link the account correctly, happened to old players mostly those who jumped from the standalone POE1 to the Steam version or the opposite.
The weird thing is, why/how did the POE2 EA key get redeemed on the wrong account?
Pardon my english, I'm French :p

SSF for the win!
I had not played in a while, logged into my online account and it wanted me 2 relink my steam in order to get an early access key.

Re-linking, for some reason, created an additional blank PoE account which provided the steam access key which I started playing on once available. It has none of my account credit, MTX purchases and did not receive the twitch drops.

I can swap between the new blank account and my original on the forums and on the in game menu. The original still has all my purchases and received the twitch drops.

I emailed GGG support asking if this new blank account could be merged into my orignal, response below:

Thank you for the message. I am afraid that this is not something we are able to do. I am sorry for this result

I just started over after swapping back to my original account.

Hopefully others did not get too far in the game without realising the same mistake i made.

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