Maven !

Toforto wrote:

Let's not forget how horribly buggy this boss is

w8, what? how is Lycia bugged?
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Nomancs wrote:
Toforto wrote:

Let's not forget how horribly buggy this boss is

w8, what? how is Lycia bugged?

Did you, read more than the first 9 words of my post? Apparently you did not.
Toforto wrote:
Let's not forget how horribly buggy this boss is, every time it phases it can just randomly decide to do 1,2 or 3 more attacks while it's completely immune and untargetable and theeen it decides to spawn the add
Do you have video proof for that claim? I've never seen that happen. Or is it source: trust me bro?

Toforto wrote:
Also that spinning beam comes out way too fast and gives you like 0 time to dodge it always oneshots me because it appears out of nowhere
It doesn't appear out of nowhere, there is a clear visual cue attached to it.

Toforto wrote:
no way I'm gonna see that because I can't always have the boss perfectly in the center of my screen at all times nor do I have a 4K monitor with 5000x5000 resolution.
"4K' is 3860x2160. "DCI 4k" is 4096x2160. Let's not make things up to twist the narrative. The boss is just as visible on 1080p as it is on 2160p.
Last edited by Ulsarek on Sep 9, 2024, 6:45:40 AM
Ulsarek wrote:
Toforto wrote:
Let's not forget how horribly buggy this boss is, every time it phases it can just randomly decide to do 1,2 or 3 more attacks while it's completely immune and untargetable and theeen it decides to spawn the add
Do you have video proof for that claim? I've never seen that happen. Or is it source: trust me bro?

Toforto wrote:
Also that spinning beam comes out way too fast and gives you like 0 time to dodge it always oneshots me because it appears out of nowhere
It doesn't appear out of nowhere, there is a clear visual cue attached to it.

Toforto wrote:
no way I'm gonna see that because I can't always have the boss perfectly in the center of my screen at all times nor do I have a 4K monitor with 5000x5000 resolution.
"4K' is 3860x2160. "DCI 4k" is 4096x2160. Let's not make things up to twist the narrative. The boss is just as visible on 1080p as it is on 2160p.

Dude whatever, obviously those numbers weren't meant to be taken seriously, that resolution doesn't exist. It happens when I insta-phase the boss in a few seconds, too lazy to record it but it also happens to my friend that does that t17 a lot because it drops in his favorited map. It's happened to me and to him multiple times, so no the source isn't "trust me bro" I literally experience it every league. This boss is stupid, so is the catarina one in ziggurat with her "haha teleport 50 times then slam the whole arena" move which is unfair and undodgable lol. And it does appear out of nowhere when I'm carefully standing far away because I'm a RANGED build. The boss is barely on my screen so if she does that beam it just auto-tracks me and I'm dead because there's no way to move that quickly out of it. Sorry but I don't have 200% ms with mageblood.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Why did you identify yourself, Echo? No one mentioned you by name. It‘s just an excellent example of what is being discussed currently and instead you lash out at Pashid personally? That‘s not a winning strategy. Sort of like walking into a telegraphed attack

Do you not have anything else to say, topic-related for example?

"You didn't beat some specific boss" (nevermind that I never seriously geared for the attempt in the first place) as universal copypaste answer to dozen topics by now? seriously? This kinda reminds me of poe email support:)
Echothesis wrote:

It is possible. And those who reply to such people may be too trigger happy to fire "git gud" at people before thinking if the issue is actually design or just dps check.

Dude.....just read the comments with the aforementioned party. There isn't any doubt here what was being said. Oh sorry...I forgot who I was talking to. Historically, you don't like to read what other people write.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 9, 2024, 7:09:35 AM
Do I have to add any new points? I don't feel obligated to do so at all, as previous users raised enough good points to have a discussion on. I only chimed in to point out the obvious in that you‘d rather lament that you serve as an example of the type of player in question rather than work on learning the fight properly.

I added my personal experience to the thread as well, which I think is fair? I don't really see what you could possibly take offense to.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Sep 9, 2024, 7:23:17 AM
Toforto wrote:
too lazy to record it but it also happens to my friend that does that t17 a lot because it drops in his favorited map.
So indeed a case of "source: trust me bro". Thanks for confirming.

Toforto wrote:
And it does appear out of nowhere when I'm carefully standing far away because I'm a RANGED build. The boss is barely on my screen so if she does that beam it just auto-tracks me and I'm dead because there's no way to move that quickly out of it.
Ah, that's more realistic. Skill issue and not an actual bug with the encounter. Once again thank you for confirming.
Ulsarek wrote:
Toforto wrote:
too lazy to record it but it also happens to my friend that does that t17 a lot because it drops in his favorited map.
So indeed a case of "source: trust me bro". Thanks for confirming.

Toforto wrote:
And it does appear out of nowhere when I'm carefully standing far away because I'm a RANGED build. The boss is barely on my screen so if she does that beam it just auto-tracks me and I'm dead because there's no way to move that quickly out of it.
Ah, that's more realistic. Skill issue and not an actual bug with the encounter. Once again thank you for confirming.

I don't know what to tell you lol you're just intentionally choosing to ignore the fact that this bug happened both to me and another person multiple times, I ain't going into that cringe map and fighting the boss just to record it and prove something to someone on a forum. I don't have to prove anything lol

Also this "skill issue" response is getting so stale and predictable
Toforto wrote:
I don't know what to tell you lol you're just intentionally choosing to ignore the fact that this bug happened both to me and another person multiple times
Claiming something and backing it up saying "my friend saw it" doesn't make it a fact.

Toforto wrote:
I ain't going into that cringe map and fighting the boss just to record it and prove something to someone on a forum. I don't have to prove anything lol
So there indeed is no proof other than "source: trust me bro". You don't have to prove anything, that's correct, but don't assume people are going to believe your claims and engage in actual discussions - based on what you claim as actual facts (lol) - when you can't even be bothered to provide footage of the "issues" you and your friend are encountering.
Last edited by Ulsarek on Sep 9, 2024, 7:33:41 AM

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