Maven !

Jeeez the toxicity is insane here, maybe stop ganging up on 1 person and bullying them with all your "skill issue" remarks? It's getting really old really fast lol
Toforto wrote:
Jeeez the toxicity is insane here, maybe stop ganging up on 1 person and bullying them with all your "skill issue" remarks? It's getting really old really fast lol

We are talking about bosses. Bosses require skill. When a person repeatedly ignores strategy and just "expects" the boss to be get the same comments in return.

If the shoe fits....

Why do you think "its a skill issue" keeps coming up lol. Just a whole bunch of people out to get someone for no reason? Because that is pretty self-centered thinking right there.

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Last edited by Taylor_GGG on Sep 7, 2024, 7:11:20 PM
Toforto wrote:
FearZGamer wrote:

The best video that exists showcasing sirus fight from subtractem, every single mechanic he does and after you see how all the mechs work you realize how easy sirus is to do.

Before I saw this video I thought sirus was a slop, a bunch of aoe abilities, beam that came from nowhere and one shot me, sirus tons of time in the air without coming down,...After seeing it, killed him without dying once.

Dude, I know the whole fight. I've played it since it came out. It isn't about that, its just badly designed and I don't care how much you wanna praise it lol, you're never convincing me.

The video shows exactly that it is one of or the best designed fight in the game. Contrary to other fights you can kite this fight forever with zdps if you have the skill. Other fights just insta punish you for not having enough dps or not being able to facetank certain stuff because there is no way you can manually dodge stuff for several phases. This you can manually dodge over and over again. it's hard but it's possible. Gotta love it^^
"Nah, I'm gonna complain because the tornados are badly designed and that's that. Anything that interferes with looting or any annoying on-death effect should be deleted from this game lol"

From a lovely character in this thread. Dies in 2 hits to tornadoes, complains. Is offered advice to tank up. And this was the response given. No desire to improve, just expects the game to change for them.

Sometimes I'm very impressed with people who think mechanics are "Poorly designed"....:-p
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 7, 2024, 9:36:53 PM
Toforto wrote:
Jeeez the toxicity is insane here, maybe stop ganging up on 1 person and bullying them with all your "skill issue" remarks? It's getting really old really fast lol

If you can insta cast flame dash you should try out frostblink of wintry blast.
Maven design, ambiance, music etc boss is a masterpiece, unfortunately the last phase along with the last memory game can be super frustrating. Agree.

Especially with a character whos movement speed is too slow or ... too fast !
That thing is a breeze for DPS'ers using skills like blink arrow (this one is a good example; i hope so )

Sirus is a bit the same. And let's say it frankly: low dps and mediocre defense can be insta rage against these bosses.
jsuslak313 wrote:
"Nah, I'm gonna complain because the tornados are badly designed and that's that. Anything that interferes with looting or any annoying on-death effect should be deleted from this game lol"

From a lovely character in this thread. Dies in 2 hits to tornadoes, complains. Is offered advice to tank up. And this was the response given. No desire to improve, just expects the game to change for them.

Sometimes I'm very impressed with people who think mechanics are "Poorly designed"....:-p

Bad design exists, and is a different issue from not meeting the dps/ehp check of a particular boss. For example, bosses randomly sitting inside their degen grounds for prolonged periods of time is bad design, this should just never happen, as it gimps pure melee builds even more than usual. Prolonged invulnerability phase attacks are bad design, gimps leech recovery builds. Exarch rolling balls are bad design, puts way too much sensory overload, and way too big disparity when dodging it on controller vs mouse.

As for endless debates about changing bosses dps walls, where casuals think it is too high, elitists think it is too low, issue is GGG (again) not implementing the oldest and widespread solution in the book: global difficulty levels. No, map tiers are not such levels, because most of endgame is hard gated by T14+ maps, and loot difference is very big between say T5 and T16.

GGG chose to take sides and cater to elitists, hope pros outweigh the cons on their end.
i cant imagine someone considering the difficulty change from t5 to t16 being something that is catered for elitists. you can farm t16s with life res gear
The post makes a lot more sense if you change the word "elitist" to "good player"
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Echothesis wrote:

Bad design exists, and is a different issue from not meeting the dps/ehp check of a particular boss.

well.....duh. Not sure why you quoted me because its pretty darn clear what I'm talking about here and its not whatever you said.

The point here is that the design is irrelevant to the problem in this and other cases being talked about. People claim "design flaw" simply because they can't be bothered to LEARN the mechanic and plan accordingly. And also refuse any and all advice and continue to say "It's bad because I say it's bad".

It isn't even a debate or discussion about design or mechanics at that point.

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