Experience Loss

I think the current schematic of Experience Loss is far too unforgiving and probably has pushed countless players away from POE and will continue to.

I personally have come very close to quitting many many times from among other things, not being totally sure what killed me.

I think the Experience Penalty could and should be reworked as a temporary negative to quantity and or quality on found items for the next hour. Or something to that effect.

Also the current metric of how many times a player has died while tracked could be expanded on and made amusing in many ways.
Last bumped on May 6, 2024, 1:16:45 PM
Experience loss should be way higher same as exp requirements.
Even if you die once or twice it's not really a breaker anymore cause the game throws so much exp at you literally at every place.
Power creep is also out of control and you can pretty much build close to immortal characters without much currency thanks to heavily cheap perfect items and t0 uniques, even affordable for the poor "casual" andies.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
I dont mind it because I consider most characters done around 92, but maybe there could be a scarab that says "No exp loss if you die in this area"?

Reason being, if you are working on leveling, you basically avoid all challenging (therefore interesting) content, right?

Is that a particularly good game model?

"Do boring content that isnt very rewarding but carries no risk for X hours"

Is that fun? Wouldn't it be more interesting if you could run pinnacle content at some point during that.
Last edited by trixxar on May 5, 2024, 3:25:28 PM
The problem, especially for those playing squishy builds, has been fixed with 5-ways & Chayula rotations since several leagues already.
You even have the option to make lower rotations like coward trial or beachhead rotas if you aren't aiming 100.
Agreed. We need to add XP after character died. Game is so hard on softcore. Can't play it. So many deaths...
Just buy Omen that makes you lose 2.5% on death instead 10%.
Having to repeat campaign on alts has made WAY WAY more people leave this game.
Omen of Amelioration already saves 75% of your XP loss, while this season saw a huge influx in XP/hour with the addition of Domination Scarabs of Teaching. If you can't push past 90 now, you never will
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/artcrusader
Ah ok the replies have given me a bit to think about..

Also not really touched on was working it into a game mechanic, not where it is totally beneficial but where you get some interesting modifier because you died x number of times, maybe in a certain area or under certain conditions.
Even without xp scarabs you can create maps that are both super safe and grant >1% exp per clear at 99.

Or you can, you know, make a build that can actually survive a little bit.
PureMako wrote:
Ah ok the replies have given me a bit to think about..

Also not really touched on was working it into a game mechanic, not where it is totally beneficial but where you get some interesting modifier because you died x number of times, maybe in a certain area or under certain conditions.

A bit like in Darkest Dungeon? So after dying, say, 4 times to a Rhoa you get Ornithophobia and henceforth are intimidated whenever you are around birdlike enemies?
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar

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