mageblood just too op

Universalis wrote:
How about just nerfing the useless +% "increased effect" modifier given by Enkindling Orb ?

Gains no Charges during Effect
(60-70)% increased effect


Gains no Charges during Effect
(30-35)% increased effect

That would please ALOT of people I'm sure ... lololol

Useless? LMAO dang biggest troll message I´ve read yet.
Universalis wrote:
How about just nerfing the useless +% "increased effect" modifier given by Enkindling Orb ?

Gains no Charges during Effect
(60-70)% increased effect


Gains no Charges during Effect
(30-35)% increased effect

That would please ALOT of people I'm sure ... lololol

If MB is the issue, woudnt be just better to touch the item itself instead of tinkering with the other stuff that is currently fine?

Woudnt make more sense to just add a mod on MB, either something like "enchants on magic flasks dont apply their effect" or plain reduced magic flask effect to counter the enchant?

You sound like a GGG balance guy: Changing stuff around the original problematic thing and creating pointless colateral damage on other characters in the process
Piousqd wrote:
Universalis wrote:
How about just nerfing the useless +% "increased effect" modifier given by Enkindling Orb ?

Gains no Charges during Effect
(60-70)% increased effect


Gains no Charges during Effect
(30-35)% increased effect

That would please ALOT of people I'm sure ... lololol

The enkindle effect isn't useless. Yes, it is mostly used by MB users, but it is also used by non-MB glass cannon bossers.

This represents an extrely tiny amount of players, barely game breakers like early league bosses rushers, they will do fine without it. Enkindling Orb increased effect nerf only concerns Mage Blood and this way we have a nice, indirect, nerf (==it's a buff) ...
Last edited by Universalis#5776 on Oct 18, 2024, 7:01:14 PM
but why nerf enkindling orbs and make their effect outside of Mageblood even less useful than today?

nerf fucking Mageblood by disallowing usage of enchanted flasks. Plain and simple magic flask only.
Mageblood is great
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This is why I can´t take people serious that use 2nd account to comment in the forums. So much trolling.
MB is so overrated. i could buy one right now but i wont because i dont think its worth the price for that extra bit of tankiness. and before someone says that i cant afford one,i certainly can.

Everyone has enough for a mageblood at this point. The real chads though? They find it themselves

Johny_Snow wrote:
Everyone has enough for a mageblood at this point. The real chads though? They find it themselves

Ikr? Be weird to not have a mb or funds for one 12 months into a league.
But farming or finding them without trade is always satisfying :)
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
MB is so overrated. i could buy one right now but i wont because i dont think its worth the price for that extra bit of tankiness. and before someone says that i cant afford one,i certainly can.

I think you are under estimating the impact of magelood by alot. It is so much more than "extra bit of tankiness". It is the single most impactful item to gear flexibility and quality of life that you can get. Unless the belt you are using is build enabling, you should get a mageblood, simple as that.
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