T17 - solo only

Nomancs wrote:
hyttemaier wrote:

You are looking at it the wrong way, people do (and enjoy) different aspects in this game, you love to kill bosses and ubers, but for you to do this!
Some guy farmed abyss to get you the belt you have on, another farmed breach for your weapon & shield, some guy ran Einhar so you could get aspect on your ring, another farmed essences, so you could make your helm, its all connected, dont you want them to continue doing what they love in the game, so you can enjoy what you like to do?

That guy who farmed that belt was me.
That guy that farmed shield was me.
That guy who farmed coffins was me.
That guy who farmed essences was also me.
On the other hand you don’t get 4k delve depth unlock because Steve did it. You will still be able to buy t17 and uber loot same as you can buy fossils. Just not get depth unlocked.

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The T17s were a good idea, but very poorly executed... this is how the majority feels...

Personally, I got there rather quickly in SSF, i killed maven and uber elder got to t17s in the first week and im a dad who works full time, but i got a ton of game knowledge. At the time they were not patched, and felt fucking awful! they were harder than ubers themselves! So, for the vast majority of players it was awful. Even for me it felt really bad and a lot of mods bricked the map entirely for your build i used about 30-40 chaos orbs just to be able to run one... thats a lot of chaos in ssf at league start.... to roll a fucking map.

Honestly, most people thought it was shit. They may have fixed it since league start. I swear some of you guys just defend the game no matter what because its all you play.... they need to stop making the endgame based on people with no life and play games all day thats what ruthless is for!!
Last edited by Mousa_GGG on Apr 19, 2024, 10:31:16 PM
Nomancs wrote:
Jradlot21 wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
T17 shouldn’t allow party or boosts, so only map owner could enter - 5th map slot should reward skilled and geared.

LOL skilled at what? trading? There's not much skill involved in POE trade league, you simply make as many divines as possible using various strategies that vary a bit each new league and buy whatever the hell you need. I agree with you somewhat, but if your not utilizing trade these maps are ridiculous. They are harder than ubers themselves, at least when i quit this league they were i know they have patched since but i havent tested it.

try a T17 in solo self found pal, then get back to me.

W8 what?! you're saying that doing map solo is based on trade more than buying a kill? are you gonna tell me that buying a kill require more skill? Just WOW.

If you can't do t17 why would you deserve 5th slot?

wtf are you talking about ?? I got to t17s in the first week in SSF...... I am saying, its a great idea that was poorly executed... again since they patched it they might feel better. We already have a gauntlet almost every league, they felt worse than that when i tried it before the patches.

If i played trade id beat everything in a day and be bored and done with the league pal, im very confused what you are trying to say to me
Last edited by Jradlot21 on Apr 19, 2024, 6:20:19 PM
t17 solo only is fine, but tie the 5th map slot to something else. t17 is a significantly different and more difficult way of obtaining the 5th slot. I understand not wanting to tie 5th map slot to a specific league mechanic anymore, but it's too much of a jump in both difficulty and mechanics that I can't say it's reasonable.
Jradlot21 wrote:

wtf are you talking about ?? I got to t17s in the first week in SSF......

Complete each of the following tasks in Tier 17 Maps.

Defeat Rare monsters with at least 4 Modifiers (0/50)
Complete Maps (0/30)

Ya, pass.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Nomancs wrote:
Jradlot21 wrote:

wtf are you talking about ?? I got to t17s in the first week in SSF......

Complete each of the following tasks in Tier 17 Maps.

Defeat Rare monsters with at least 4 Modifiers (0/50)
Complete Maps (0/30)

Ya, pass.

Ed....nvm I'm dumb
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Apr 19, 2024, 9:26:57 PM
Nomancs wrote:
Jradlot21 wrote:

wtf are you talking about ?? I got to t17s in the first week in SSF......

Complete each of the following tasks in Tier 17 Maps.

Defeat Rare monsters with at least 4 Modifiers (0/50)
Complete Maps (0/30)

Ya, pass.

The part where he says he'd be done with everything within a day if he played trade is the cherry on top!

@Jradlot21: This particular attitude of SSF players towards trade players is seriously poisoning the well and makes a normal conversation impossible. As a fellow SSF player: stop it. You're giving everyone a bad rep with that attitude.

I also don't understand the whole problem you are imagining where somehow you have to have 40 spare chaos orbs in SSF to roll new, aspirational endgame content. The game isn't balanced around SSF. Never has been, never will. You choose to play SSF so deal with it. Some of us are doing just fine.

The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:

The part where he says he'd be done with everything within a day if he played trade is the cherry on top!

What's also funny is this attitude that trade league somehow means everything is "free".

Trade league certainly shortens the process of certain gearing, and also enables certain builds tied to uniques that you wouldn't start with in SSF. BUT it doesn't all of a sudden mean you'll get a mageblood after a few days...it doesn't even mean you'll be able to make good use of trade except to LOSE currency. In fact, for a lot of players in the low to mid tier range, it's probably BETTER to play SSF and craft, because the costs are going to be less and therefore the time it takes to reach certain goalposts is actually faster SSF.

Trade league is CERTAINLY much much easier, but it isn't a cheat. You still need to know how to play the game, and you ALSO need to learn how to game the trade which actually does take experience and skill. That's why MANY trade players do NOT even interact with trade until they are looking for the BIG items in the 10+ divines, 100+ divines range. The types of items you don't even need to get further than where you already are in the game loop.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Apr 19, 2024, 8:01:05 PM
Nomancs wrote:
Jradlot21 wrote:

wtf are you talking about ?? I got to t17s in the first week in SSF......

Complete each of the following tasks in Tier 17 Maps.

Defeat Rare monsters with at least 4 Modifiers (0/50)
Complete Maps (0/30)

Ya, pass.

I never said I finished the map ..... thr t17 mopped the floor with me. I quit playing the league after my first T17 the league is shit and they were balanced terribly. Notice I have 4 voidstones which I got in the first few days to find my t17 that kicked my ass.

Nice try though buddy... I don't care about competing but I'm a far better player then you will ever be. Anytime you wanna race let me know:)
Last edited by Jradlot21 on Apr 20, 2024, 9:18:44 AM
jsuslak313 wrote:
ArtCrusade wrote:

The part where he says he'd be done with everything within a day if he played trade is the cherry on top!

What's also funny is this attitude that trade league somehow means everything is "free".

Trade league certainly shortens the process of certain gearing, and also enables certain builds tied to uniques that you wouldn't start with in SSF. BUT it doesn't all of a sudden mean you'll get a mageblood after a few days...it doesn't even mean you'll be able to make good use of trade except to LOSE currency. In fact, for a lot of players in the low to mid tier range, it's probably BETTER to play SSF and craft, because the costs are going to be less and therefore the time it takes to reach certain goalposts is actually faster SSF.

Trade league is CERTAINLY much much easier, but it isn't a cheat. You still need to know how to play the game, and you ALSO need to learn how to game the trade which actually does take experience and skill. That's why MANY trade players do NOT even interact with trade until they are looking for the BIG items in the 10+ divines, 100+ divines range. The types of items you don't even need to get further than where you already are in the game loop.

Trade league is all about divine per hour. If your got a good strategy you can have a godly character in a day or 2.....you literally can buy everything you need from gear, Maps, league mechanic currency, fragments, harvest juice etc etc.....

For you trade league is great and im not knocking it. For me, the game becomes trade simulator and is just way too easy to get everything.... its not for me . I like the grind, and the rewarding feeling of doing everything myself.

Also , SC trade has a very toxic community. Hc trade is actually not bad.
Last edited by Jradlot21 on Apr 20, 2024, 9:20:28 AM
ArtCrusade wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
Jradlot21 wrote:

wtf are you talking about ?? I got to t17s in the first week in SSF......

Complete each of the following tasks in Tier 17 Maps.

Defeat Rare monsters with at least 4 Modifiers (0/50)
Complete Maps (0/30)

Ya, pass.

The part where he says he'd be done with everything within a day if he played trade is the cherry on top!

@Jradlot21: This particular attitude of SSF players towards trade players is seriously poisoning the well and makes a normal conversation impossible. As a fellow SSF player: stop it. You're giving everyone a bad rep with that attitude.

I also don't understand the whole problem you are imagining where somehow you have to have 40 spare chaos orbs in SSF to roll new, aspirational endgame content. The game isn't balanced around SSF. Never has been, never will. You choose to play SSF so deal with it. Some of us are doing just fine.

You guys defend the game just because you simply can't say anything bad about it I just don't get it.

Your entiled to your opinion but the majority of players hated t17 maps before they patched them. That's why they got patched. There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism, this league was probably the worst ever at launch and for some reason people like you are defending it??? I think a small amount of players actually enjoy it but most I think are just uber nerds that can't say anything bad about their precious path of exile....

I love ssf I don't get ur point.. 40 chaos wasn't the issue the t17 mods were the issue.. they have now been patched.
Also most of you guys probably never even tried the fucking things before they were patched that's what's funny about this. You can't judge something you never tried, if you didn't get there in a few days first week you didn't get to experience the fucking thing did ya?

I'm not trying to be a prick or a elitist by the way it'd just the truth. If I played trade I'd be done the game so fast I would get bored.... I don't like having access to everything so easily.... I get extremely bored very quickly when I play trade league.

I'm not knocking trade play whatever you like but trade isn't for me..

See ya, hope the league got better with patches and you all enjoy it.
Last edited by Jradlot21 on Apr 20, 2024, 9:30:33 AM

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