T17 - solo only

Nomancs wrote:
hyttemaier wrote:

You are looking at it the wrong way, people do (and enjoy) different aspects in this game, you love to kill bosses and ubers, but for you to do this!
Some guy farmed abyss to get you the belt you have on, another farmed breach for your weapon & shield, some guy ran Einhar so you could get aspect on your ring, another farmed essences, so you could make your helm, its all connected, dont you want them to continue doing what they love in the game, so you can enjoy what you like to do?

That guy who farmed that belt was me.
That guy that farmed shield was me.
That guy who farmed coffins was me.
That guy who farmed essences was also me.
On the other hand you don’t get 4k delve depth unlock because Steve did it.

Ok so if you did all this yourself, i think you would do really well on SSF :-) you dont need the economy of trade.
Maybe, but I do enjoy economy. You will still be able to buy loot from ubers and t17 just like now.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Nomancs wrote:
Maybe, but I do enjoy economy. You will still be able to buy loot from ubers and t17 just like now.

I craft all my gear myself, but i do need to buy essences, and most other things as i dont have the time to do everything by myself, i might need some uber loot some day who knows :-) then it is good you are there to get the loot
Nomancs wrote:
hyttemaier wrote:

You are looking at it the wrong way, people do (and enjoy) different aspects in this game, you love to kill bosses and ubers, but for you to do this!
Some guy farmed abyss to get you the belt you have on, another farmed breach for your weapon & shield, some guy ran Einhar so you could get aspect on your ring, another farmed essences, so you could make your helm, its all connected, dont you want them to continue doing what they love in the game, so you can enjoy what you like to do?

That guy who farmed that belt was me.
That guy that farmed shield was me.
That guy who farmed coffins was me.
That guy who farmed essences was also me.
On the other hand you don’t get 4k delve depth unlock because Steve did it. You will still be able to buy t17 and uber loot same as you can buy fossils. Just not get depth unlocked.

what are the benefits for you if others are locked from this type of content?
"There are Penalties in the Game, no one's complaining about them"
Chris Wilson Exilecon 2019
Content that is "gated" behind having a weak build is EXCELLENT for the game. It serves multiple purposes:
Shows folks that their build needs adjustment.
Shows folks their gear has room for growth
Rewards players that have put in more time and effort, strategy, smarts, and talent than another player. It's not a competition, but not everyone is equal or deserves equal access just because.

The 5th slot is NOT mandatory. Voidstones are NOT mandatory. Ubers are NOT mandatory. Hell, even regular bosses are NOT mandatory. Most of these things are content designed to TEST your abilities and your build. As such, there should be a reward for the player once they overcome this obstacle ON THEIR OWN. Paying someone else to do it for you should never result in you getting rewarded for nothing.

There is value in having a difference between "good" and "bad" builds or players. There is also value in REWARDING those with experience and the requisite "good" build, whatever that may be.

Considering EVERYONE gets access to 4/5 slots for free....they can still juice maps, they can still use scarabs, they can still stack scarabs, they can still load up on strategic currency.....WITHOUT the 5th slot. In fact....like voidstones, I might argue that MORE of the map slots should be gated behind solo achievements.
I know people who have never killed Shaper but still play the game, knowing there's another goal to reach after they reach the next. People need to understand that T17 maps are one such goal

If there was no reward for beating them people would complain too. Community outrage is amazing
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
cursorTarget wrote:
Berzal wrote:
Yeah,and what about casual ppl which want to open 5 slots?

Watch streamers, become skilled and geared.

So i would say to u: Go out, make friends and make a group to get bonus drop
lAstarothl wrote:
cursorTarget wrote:
Berzal wrote:
Yeah,and what about casual ppl which want to open 5 slots?

Watch streamers, become skilled and geared.

So i would say to u: Go out, make friends and make a group to get bonus drop

I don't need a group to make a big drop neither should anyone else.

I have the ability to do that sure but do I need too? Of course not.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I couldn't disagree more. Terrible idea!

Please stop trying to turn this game into a place where underachievers attempt to compensate for their lack of real-life achievements.

If you have issues with other people having fun their own way, please play SSF rather than try and ruin the game for hundreds of thousands of people.

On top of that, such a change would only force people to play certain type of builds even more so than now.

Rialian1905 wrote:
I couldn't disagree more. Terrible idea!

Please stop trying to turn this game into a place where underachievers attempt to compensate for their lack of real-life achievements.

If you have issues with other people having fun their own way, please play SSF rather than try and ruin the game for hundreds of thousands of people.

On top of that, such a change would only force people to play certain type of builds even more so than now.


think? naw earn that 5th slot.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

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