3.24.1 Patch Notes

Thats not the same game anymore I used to play :c
Nerfing exiles took so long. At this point it was too late.

How's retention going? Good choices you do? Don't value players from 3.15. Will have a laugh of fiasco PoE2 release on player retention also.

Karma always come back.
Underserved. All bets are off.
Last edited by rememberyouwantedthis on Apr 11, 2024, 1:59:48 AM
_Ashes0ni_ wrote:
GGG funpolice here at it AGAIN. TY! I am just glad, I didn´t spend a dollar on this game - as I planned - yet, AGAIN. How is this even possible, to change shit in the middle of a league? HOW?

I guess you enjoyed the servers breaking from the 150+ possessed rogue exiles per map and game breaking farming.
Worst league so far, stupid decisions followed by more stupid decisions. [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Scott_GGG on Apr 11, 2024, 2:03:45 AM
League already so dead, it doesnt even matter.
So little, too late.
"Abuse early, abuse often". Good job, GGG. Stop listening to Redditors holy hell.
i hope you'll never do things like that again, even if the fix is the right one it feels awfull for 99% of players.
FOMO, FOMO, FOMO and then you validate the FOMO... i can't think of a worst way to fix this problem.

fuck this, mageblood was 120 div yesterday, i was literally 1 day off buying one and now what? i have to farm fucking sanctum for a week. nah GG league is over fuck this. see you in 3.25 maybe...
Well thanks a lot but what about the 100000000000000000000 magebloods and HH droped?

What about the 10000 people that now have 1000 mirrors from that exploit?
What happened to "we do not nerf things while temp league is running"
What happened to POE being a fun game?
You will ruin economy every league and then nerf the bugs mid\league so normal people leave early and the exploiters and bots keep farming?
Thanks a lot i farmed 2 days to get my 25 divines for the HH now they go back to 150.
There are people with 9000 divs for 1 day doing you exploit and they can afford everything but the people that play honestly trying to get something out of this stupid league mechanic and the new atlas are sitting on their 20divs and wondering why keep play?
Not only that but my account was banned for 65 days becouse i said the F word to a guy that tried to scam me on trade swaping items and then not responding.
Keep the good work GGG...we will keep playing your game and not move to some of the better ones that already exists:)
-Mommy I don't feel Chris Wilson vision.
-Everything is ok, you don't have it.
Last edited by mast3rjke on Apr 11, 2024, 2:24:28 AM

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