Overall Game Perfomance state - and why GGG is in silenced mode about it?
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" 8200 ;) 200 euros ![]() ![]() and the motherboard Apex Encore ![]() " 4090 is a BASE GPU in line. As I told, you can play the game even on 1080ti but do not expect perfect performance. The reason the game(s) has/have wide variety options allow to run it even on the toasters like 1080 but it doesn't mean they run PERFECTLY. They are just ABLE to run with some acceptable FPS. It is not the same! So when you complain about the bad performance on 4070 at 3440x1440 pixels (wow!), keep in mind - this not the level of your GPU. It's for gaming rigs, not budget ones. Just accept it. PoE is not the game for ATI Riva TNT2 videocards, it's modern AAA game with beautiful graphics and tons of particles. You need gaming hardware to run it perfectly (>60 FPS). And it is both CPU and GPU demanding. And sure you need high-performance RAM over that. Patriot Viper XTREME (8200) is one of the best choices at this moment. Yes you can keep argueing with me but it doesn't change things. There is literally no reason to buy 4070 for gaming, it's 50% or even more slower than the normal base card. Oh crap, why does it even exist? Last edited by cursorTarget#1174 on Apr 9, 2024, 9:02:02 PM
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" Dude, u're completely delusional if u really believe what u wrote all over this thread. No one needs a 4090 to achieve more than 40fps in PoE towns on low settings. On top of that, a 4090 is not a consumer line gaming GPU. It's the highest end of the highest end consumer GPUs on the market. It's not supposed to be bought by everyone just to play current games. It's something u would buy to get the most fps out of the best settings on the highest resolution available, like running 4k/8k consistently on 144Hz for example. Now, I agree with u that a 4070 is kind of a budged GPU, but it still should be good enough to run PoE at 60 fps in a town setting... even on 4k/1440p. Other than that, u r right that u need a good CPU and RAM configuration for PoE aswell, but here aswell u are very out of touch with the average consumer at this point. And I think no one in this thread complained about performance in a full juiced 100% delirium map setting, but pretty basic stuff. To give an example on how wrong u are, I'm running PoE fine on average 100fps, 4k max settings on an AMD 3800X and Nvidia RTX 3080. So whatever their problem is, it has nothing to do with their GPU being outdated or they needing to upgrade their PC every 1-2 years. (hilarious) Last edited by Sadaukar#2191 on Apr 9, 2024, 11:03:04 PM
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Guys, don't waist your money on very expensive GPUs that will be obsolete in one year.
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Haha this thread.
First off, it's been known since forever that PoE performance & optimization is quite bad. Occasionally worse than that even. Their custom engine, and net code, were subpar at the beginning. Simply becaue they were small, and the budget didn't allow for what would eventually be needed. While understandable it's a self-inflected wound that still hurts them to this very day. Sure they have made changes, but its still very much below standards in the industry, and it rears it's ugly head as they put out updates and legaues. They have tried to make progress and overall I do think you can say it's been better, but again, each update provides an opportunity to step back due to the tech issues on GGGs end. That said, don't get derailed by seemingly one guy, who thinks we all only play one game. It's obvious when you can play another game on ultra settings vs what you can in PoE. I don't need someone to confirm what we can see with our own eyes. I have to laugh sometimes, for example, when I see Shroud play a league start, and the game is chugging on an absolute monster rig of a PC. It's just bad. (Not to even mention Console performance which lol) To sum up. The PCs mentioned in this thread are more than ok to game on. PoE on the tech side is below average to poor, it's just a fact.
I didnt want inject D4 in yet another post, but the performance, polish, and stability, with the required minimum specs, absolutely blow PoE away. There can be debate on endgame, itemization, build diversity, and so on, but from the tech side, its not even close for a game in direct competition.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Apr 10, 2024, 10:08:27 AM
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Both D3 and D4 are also far better at determining at a glance what is happening on your screen, regardless of your graphical settings. What am I getting fancy hardware for in POE? To optimize different shades of black/grey/brown blobs on black/grey/brown tilesets in a place with near zero lighting?
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They are in silence mode because people bitch about it but KEEP PLAYING. You can name everything you think is wrong with this game, from performance to trade site lacking basic QoL stuff allowing crap like TFT to shine. Why would they feel the need to do something if the player base is steady?
Oh, and as someone who works with editing and 3D, the dude claiming 4090 is basic for gaming is either delusional or trolling hard. |
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" According to Steam there is a lost of players since a year ago when the peak players each season drops below 200K. I am not saying this is related with the performance, but it is worth to consider. https://steamcharts.com/app/238960#7d Last edited by B00b#4465 on Apr 10, 2024, 11:21:06 AM
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" Steady? 190k concurrent players in steam on league start - and now less than in 2 weeks after - around ~80k,maybe ~50k in another 1 week. Can't claim it - steady. At least not in this league. Last 3 days im mainly just afk in Hideout, maybe doing like 10x maps a day total. When in earlier leagues i was farming - anything non-stop - maps/delve/Alva temples/Heists etc. In this league im already feel - "super tired" and no joy from doing any kind of content in the game. Last edited by FreshMeat93#0508 on Apr 10, 2024, 11:17:50 AM
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I think a lot of the performance issues come from the server specifically, because of the strats player's are abusing and the amount of monsters on screen at once it's becoming an issue for others.
I highly doubt GGG will do the right thing and just remove Anarchy Allflame which is the cause of the high amount of monsters/items in any 1 map. |
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