Last league i made approximately 10-12d/h by farming Harbingers and red altars
in city square on a 30 div budget build. This league with the insane price of
Fracturing orbs and Exarch invitations/currency one would easily make 20+div/h on a similar budget and there are other non MF farming strategies that reach similar numbers.
Wanting to get MF nuked from the game only shows the profound lack of knowledge and skill issue that many players have in this game.
Yes MF characters do make a lot of currency but they also require an
absurd amount of money to get going beyond t7 cemetery. And generally speaking
MF builds are not very enjoyable to play as one has to sacrifice a lot of player
power and survibability in exchange for better rewards. Also have "fun" taking 9+min per map and clicking the ground 100+ times to get all that loot.
Go ahead and watch streamers play multiple mirror MF TS builds and see how many times they die.
In other words, git gud lol.