Our 3.23 Expansion Timeline

Buff arc, there are now NO ARC builds what so ever, i cant play the game in this state,
Oh Sick glad I have a bit more time for TotA thanks for the update GGG Goated devs as always. ^_^
Thanks for the early info. Disappointed but not surprised it's another 4 month league, and hopeful for the end of league events.

Please can we have 3 month leagues again next year? Selfishly that's the perfect length for me. Also please could the events be solo and not Ruthless? Others may rightly feel otherwise, in both cases.

Still enjoying the league (other than TOTA) but excited for the announcements already.

Unrelated P.S., the anchor drop finisher is still absolutely superb. Worth the price of the entire mystery box. Perhaps I am easily pleased. Thank you!
hoho leave the ruthless events out.
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Vαlorαn wrote:
As I started this League late and am at 8 Challenges now this gives me hope to reach atleast 36 (maybe 40)

You got this dude, go for 40!
do we know if TotA or crucible are coming back for w/ the new league?
very nice
Genstein wrote:
Thanks for the early info. Disappointed but not surprised it's another 4 month league, and hopeful for the end of league events.

Please can we have 3 month leagues again next year? Selfishly that's the perfect length for me. Also please could the events be solo and not Ruthless? Others may rightly feel otherwise, in both cases.

Still enjoying the league (other than TOTA) but excited for the announcements already.

Unrelated P.S., the anchor drop finisher is still absolutely superb. Worth the price of the entire mystery box. Perhaps I am easily pleased. Thank you!


3 month leagues were much better for me also. and yes plz no ruthless events
Really? Another 4 month league? Can you just hire more people or something? How long is this 8 man skeleton crew going to last for?

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