3.21.2b Patch Notes

i5-7400 gtx1060 16ram After patch it was unplayable spikes,random cpu loads to 100% etc.Probably I have too old ssd or whatever, I change NVidia shader cache to Unlimited and create RAM disk and move shaders to them(production_Config.ini-cache_directory=)

Now game almost stable, just sometimes random spike but its better then before
I change NVidia shader cache to Unlimited and create RAM disk

I posted this a few pages ago, but to repeat: there's also a PoE shader cache. Make sure that is on your SSD. It sped up my game a lot.
Windows 11 updated. Load times got faster. Audio's still bugged, but that's all.
I am emotionally & mentally drained through the sharking waters.
Last edited by bvanharjr on Jul 31, 2023, 10:59:51 PM
new engine update is terrible to play with despite revisiting my drivers and seeing if they need updating , which they didn't . Hopefully , this issue can be seen sooner than later .
Last edited by JuanCarlosLopez on Jul 31, 2023, 11:40:26 PM
Balormage said that there were mostly 20 (later corrected number) people working on POE1 maintenance for the last one and a half year. GGG's loyal fanbase (myself included) is beginning to have doubts on whether GGG will stay loyal to POE1. Their current gestures regarding this performance-downgrading patch scream a grim prospect.
VAD_e wrote:

When it comes to general performance issues, I can notice drops in my FPS (which were never present before) for content like harbingers (especially harbinger bosses, even more so if there are a couple of them next to each other), harvest and blight. The most significant performance problems (based on my observations so far) seem to be associated with lightning based skill effects, but not isolated to them.

As a conclusion, the game is far from unplayable for me personally (it's just annoying at times), but I can certainly see how that can be true for someone with weaker hardware. Also, it appears that this patch introduced a very serious increase in the RAM usage for the game (it would hardly ever take more than 5 GB before this patch).

I've been running on the Vulkan render setting because DX11 just wasn't performing well at all. I have yet to try DX12 very much, but I may give it a go next.

I too experience NEW performance problems with harbingers and blight, such as severe lag spikes and some stuttering. I don't think I've done a harvest since the patch, so I can't speak to that.

Like you, I don't necessarily find the game unplayable, but it seems like it could be getting close to the edge of being more trouble than it's worth. I'm also not doing what I suspect most would consider very high end content (I'm still relatively new to the game), as I only just recently have been dipping my toes into red maps. But prior to this patch, I wasn't having anything remotely close to the performance issues I've been seeing since. Loading times have definitely increased a bit, but I don't find them exceedingly long. The initial few seconds after entering into a new map usually produces a few lag spikes, as if the game is still struggling to load the map, or something. After moving around a bit, it tends to even out until I run into a big encounter or group of mobs, and then the stuttering and lag spikes are present throughout until the herds are thinned.

I can't necessarily speak to any particular particle or visual effects associated with any bad performance issues, but I'll attempt to see if I notice any patterns.
Sielin wrote:
Balormage said that there were mostly 20 (later corrected number) people working on POE1 maintenance for the last one and a half year. GGG's loyal fanbase (myself included) is beginning to have doubts on whether GGG will stay loyal to POE1. Their current gestures regarding this performance-downgrading patch scream a grim prospect.


Close to / soon after launch of PoE 2 they will kill Poe 1 servers. They won't like to divide their playerbase and will want all the spotlight on newest game. Happened to other games in the past. They statement won't be made though until absolutely necessary. Reason being obvious, it could/would make many people less willing to use their shop when game is about to be offed. Of course their "excuse" would be you can take all your cosmetic microtransactions to second installment. But maybe, just maybe, you will not be able to launch Poe 2 on your PC at all. Then what? I guess their recommended solution would be "get a stronger rig". Give it a thought.
Replaced Path of Exile's particle system with Path of Exile 2's GPU-based system. This allows more complex effects and offloads particle calculations to the GPU, which is designed for parallel tasks like this.

60Deli EA Headhunter gameplay(pre patch was all good).


Shaders cache cleaned.
Runned map 10 times before video.
Clean Windows 10 installation.
Up-To-Date drivers.
Power mode: Performance.

RTX 3080 R5 5500 24GB RAM SSD only

I love reading the scribbles of people who barely make it through campaigns.
On Probation Any%
Last edited by Dxt44 on Aug 1, 2023, 5:49:33 AM
Dxt44 wrote:
Replaced Path of Exile's particle system with Path of Exile 2's GPU-based system. This allows more complex effects and offloads particle calculations to the GPU, which is designed for parallel tasks like this.

60Deli EA Headhunter gameplay(pre patch was all good).


Shaders cache cleaned.
Runned map 10 times before video.
Clean Windows 10 installation.
Up-To-Date drivers.
Power mode: Performance.

RTX 3080 R5 5500 24GB RAM SSD only

I love reading the scribbles of people who barely make it through campaigns.

500$ graphic card, 500$ processor and I see drop to 10fps.
Nice engine, thank you GGG for killing game.
My Mac-Steam still crashing and passed few days and no patch fix.
500$ graphic card, 500$ processor and I see drop to 10fps.
Nice engine, thank you GGG for killing game.
My Mac-Steam still crashing and passed few days and no patch fix.

Proc is actually cheap, but for sake of gods that's the reason i love offline games.
I don't like some patch, ok, reverse.
I believe that the problem is big considering that 100% use is not something desirable.
The RTX 3080 is not there to have 300 fps, just because I like to play when the game spins at ~30% usage, and it doesn't heat my room when it's hot enough outside.

For Example Grim Dawn is like 5% CPU usage. LOLW
On Probation Any%

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