How does one player accumulate 226 mirros in one season?

Lyutsifer665 wrote:
dunno about the whole TFT drama but the fact that he leaves his stream on even when hes sleeping or AFK just to make more money shows a lot about his character
to me that is kinda shady itself

If you think about it leaving the stream on is more about to appear on the Poe front page
It's a "free" ad for his bow to a certain degree, plus all the extra money with stream ads.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's also involved into a shady rmt scene. Least that would explain why he placed so much effort into the tft "discovery", an attempt to get rid of the competition. They banning him was also probably just to get rid of competition lol

I mean we already knew about the shady and corrupted tft leadership way before he did his videos. It's a know thing since leagues without his input.

Divines in standard ain't probably worth much, but the large quantity most likely still earns the person more than enough to go to run the stream "ad" all day.

There are no rocket science required to see some obvious patterns tbh, but honestly I couldn't care less if people call me a hater or something.

I personally really hope that Poe starts to mess around with item power or mirrors with patch 4.0. be fun to see all the money printer mirror items become useless and worthless
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Jul 2, 2023, 5:12:54 AM
it was crowdfunded. still, you can accumulate a good amount of mirrors if you just craft/flip stuff all day long and dont actually play the game
I'm watching JamesBelton on twitch right now and it seems like he has spent over 200 mirrors worth of currency into crafting this one bow. How does a single player accumulate that amount of wealth in a single season? Don't feel like it should be possible even while playing the game full time.

All your questions are answered in his video just look for "Belton poe" on youtube and you will find his channel.

1. He spent 243 mirrors worth of currency, not 226.
2. 243 mirror benchmark was not earned / accumulated by him. It's a crowdfunded effort. Many people have contributed to the cause.
3. Is it possible for someone to earn that much? A single person? Yeah, as far as everyone knows... Just one person does this regularly. That person is VMVarga aka JeNebu. He owns TFT and does all of TFT's mirror services. There is a famous screenshot of him bragging of getting more than that. I'll see if I can find it.

I've seen a couple of TFT linked accounts on this thread trying to throw shade on the entire ordeal. They are doing this in retaliation, because Belton exposed TFT's link with RMT (

Scarletsword wrote:
AintCare wrote:
I figured this years ago that if you want currency the gameplay is the least efficient option. Crafting is a gamba, but pays well if you know how to gamba. All while there are other very low risk low effort ways of getting that kind of in-game currency.

The interesting thing about this is that it applies to every single game with a free & unlimited market and even to games with market limits.

Another thing with PoE is, that you can't get the best rare items from grinding. It straight up isn't a possibility. The same thing applies to a lot of uniques with certain corruptions while other things like alt. quality gems are just extremely rare.

I'd rather have that adjusted slightly than anything else just so it's at least a possibility.

It also applies to life as well. No matter how good at it you are if you want to get rich going to work and working hard is the worst way to achieve it. No one gets to the big bucks by being good at what they do. You either start making stuff yourself or you play a different game.
bauermayers wrote:
Oh, the shady dude who got banned from TFT

He doesn't play POE, he plays hideout trade. To each their own I guess.

He is not the "shady dude who got banned from TFT".

1. TFT moderator is watching his stream.
2. A third party messages him asking for a bench craft.
3. Third party enters the hideout and "over pays".
4. Belton says he was "sick of people being so lazy" (not unlocking the benchcrafts) and overpaying.
5. TFT mod interprets this as undeniable proof of scamming.
6. TFT mod issues a ban.
7. Belton gets angry and rants.
8. TFT takes the rant, clips it, and sends it off to twitch to get him de-platformed.
9. Some time later during Christmas eve Belton is dinning with his family. Goes AFK for a while and leaves his game running and stream running. Game crashes / updates or something. The point is the game is not streaming anymore and what's being streamed is his desktop with discord opened. Some TFT ally/mod/liutenant takes that opportunity and sends a bunch of ToS breaking images which eventually lead to a long ban for Belton. It was later thrown off by Twitch, because they realized what happened.

Context matters.

So he is not "shady" at all. Streams everything he does and even goes as far as to stream 24/7 so that nobody accuses him of doing RMT.

He got banned from TFT on what seamed to be a well planned and executed trap.


That's the thing about truth... doesn't matter how long you run it eventually catches up.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
dunno about the whole TFT drama but the fact that he leaves his stream on even when hes sleeping or AFK just to make more money shows a lot about his character
to me that is kinda shady itself

I'll break it down for you...

........./\ Owner
......../..\ Founders
....../.TFT..\ Person 1,2,3
...../--------\ <--- Below this level are people with limited trust.
.../............\ some TFT moderators
../..............\ <--- Ppl with 0 trust.
./................\ All service-provider ranks
/..................\ Everyone else in that discord

1 and 2 got banned for RMT.

2 admitted doing RMT with 3 and selling those items to the owner.

Belton gets banned and shares screenshots that link RMT to Owner, 2 and 3.

One of the founders stops playing on his main account.

TFT lieutenants try to de-platform Belton from everywhere (and eventually fail).

Many, many, many users complained about TFT mod abuse. Tons of posts on the old reddit and on this forum.

All in excruciating detail just search for "TFT" or "Belton" on youtube.

Calling it a 'drama' sounds too simple.
StinkStink wrote:

Context matters.

Evidence matters more.
The only real question is why does one player accumulate 226 mirrors in one season.

Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Jul 3, 2023, 9:06:34 PM
The only real question is why does one player accumulate 226 mirrors in one season.

1. It's 243 mirror's worth of currency not 226 mirrors sitting in his stash.

2. He didn't "accumulate" anything.

3. The only person that personally and regularly accumulates hundreds of mirrors is JeNeBu. Visit TFT's website it explains why and how.

I find it hard to believe people that have been playing this game for longer than a league or two still don't know how this works, but I'm going to explain it for anyone that's new.

The mirror of kalandra allows you to duplicate (dupe) items. You don't use it to craft anything at all. You just duplicate an item and new dupe cannot be crafted further. Only the original can be crafted further.

Belton's community crowdsourced 243 mirror's worth of currency. A hypothetical example:

1. 50 people give Belton's guild 24 chaos each.
2. Each player is recorded in a spreadsheet along with the amount he gave.
3. In total this would be 1200 chaoses or 1 mirror of Kalandra. (

It's just a convenient way to express a large number. Another way he could have written it was that the community crowdsourced almost 300,000 chaoses... but that's pointless. The value of chaos fluctuates a lot.
AintCare wrote:
bauermayers wrote:
StinkStink wrote:

Context matters.

Evidence matters more.

uhm, no... presenting evidence out of context will do more harm than no evidence at all. Still watching mainstream TV?

Agree and I don't want that to be me. I said I would find it. I found it. Here it is:

The difference is Belton collected 243 mirrors worth of mixed currency to make / craft the item. Not 243 mirrors.
Last edited by StinkStink on Jul 4, 2023, 8:25:29 AM

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