[DEAD] Explode Totem Pathfinder

Great guide. I really appreciate the detailed wright up. The explanation behind the mechanics involved helps me with my own builds and tweaks.

My favourite part about the guide is the section were you outline the various types of totem builds. It answered questions i didn't even know I had.
Last edited by Rustyclippers#7563 on May 15, 2023, 4:52:40 PM
IJustWantToPlayThisGame wrote:

What do you mean by 'flask mastery' exactly?

The life flask recharge mod, if you feel you need it. I think more charges is always better since sometimes Master Alchemist just won't proc at all, ruining your day.
Right, just fire.

Does "increased Trap trigger Area of Effect" makes it somehow easier that mobs trigger the explosion?

Does increased AOE from the tree makes the explosion larger?

ty in advance :)
Guild "Metal" /// POE 2 and POE 1 /// NO voice-chat necessary
isn't it hard- almost impossible to offcolor all the sockets on dialla's malefaction?
Thank you for the fun build i did make a few adjustment probably not optimized but the build have way more dmg to do anything really.
Giammafix wrote:
isn't it hard- almost impossible to offcolor all the sockets on dialla's malefaction?

This armour has no attribute requirements - meaning all 3 socket colors have the same 33% chance to spawn; there is no such thing as offcolor on it. The Tainted Chromatic Orb (which ignores attribute requirements) is basically just a Chromatic Orb if used on this.

It would be harder to obtain same colour on all sockets than anything else. Say to get all 6 sockets blue it takes around 729 chromatic orb; while 5 blue 1 green takes only 120.

In reality, players are very not likely to need a dialla with such configuration. 6 blues? 5-way runners maybe, 6 greens? Perchance for some niche alternate quality stacking build, yes. But 6 reds - why not go Skin of the Lords at this point?
Right, just fire.
Last edited by FunRoom#6335 on May 16, 2023, 9:35:15 PM
Infarkt wrote:

Does "increased Trap trigger Area of Effect" makes it somehow easier that mobs trigger the explosion?

Does increased AOE from the tree makes the explosion larger?

ty in advance :)

Yes, there is a benchmark https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/8rcwsr/trap_trigger_radius/

Yes, you can check that in PoB, by default it is 22.
Last edited by akaflux#6374 on May 16, 2023, 9:39:47 PM
Im useing a bow that has 50% chance to summon two totems, and the 30% from the tree. is that enough to warrant dropping multi totem?
DuctTapeShinobi wrote:
Im useing a bow that has 50% chance to summon two totems, and the 30% from the tree. is that enough to warrant dropping multi totem?

You can, but you should still work on crafting a new bow with the extra 20%
Right, just fire.
I guess I should point out whats on my bow to say if its better to upgrade. I think i landed some good mods when crafting it.

Item Class: Bows
Rarity: Rare
Loath Fletch
Imperial Bow
Quality: +20% (augmented)
Physical Damage: 35-140 (augmented)
Elemental Damage: 16-24 (augmented)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.60% (augmented)
Attacks per Second: 1.36 (augmented)
Level: 70
Str: 155
Dex: 212
Int: 48
Sockets: W-R-G-G-R-G
Item Level: 85
20% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills (implicit)
+1 to Level of Socketed Gems
64% increased Chaos Damage over Time
Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding
40% increased Damage with Bleeding
44% increased Damage with Poison
Poisons you inflict deal Damage 20% faster
30% chance to Poison on Hit
+2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems (crafted)
Hunter Item
Adds 16 to 24 Fire Damage (crucible)
6% reduced Attack Speed (crucible)
+0.6% to Critical Strike Chance (crucible)
25% reduced Totem Life (crucible)
25% reduced Totem Placement speed (crucible)
Skills that would Summon a Totem have 50% chance to Summon two Totems instead (crucible)
Totems Explode on Death, dealing 600% of their Life as Physical Damage (crucible)

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