[3.24] Ice Shot / Lightning Arrow Deadeye (Or Tornado Shot) - 400%+ MS, League Start Viable!

Thaigut wrote:
Build is going great. I just have one "issue" that stems from me only having played TS once.

Right now i have 6 base projectiles (2 passive, 2 asc, 1 base, 1 quiver) 8 with dying sun up. i am, however, using awakened gmp for 11 total arrows.

My links are TS-trinity-inspiration-critdmg-mirage-awakgmp

Should i resell gmp and use eledmg? or wait till i get a +2 bow ?

Yes absolutely drop GMP and use either ele dmg or crit strike chance support
Got capped res, but still getting deleted by some monsters T7+ idk what shall i swap because i think its fine, im trying get 6L my bow but atm im using other

Last edited by Carcelero on Dec 16, 2023, 1:38:07 AM
What Major Pantheon is reccomended since Armala is not available this league?
Hey hey, amazing guide!

I'm a little confused about the PoB though. i'm currently lv85 and already have the lethal pride jewel. Thing is looking at the high budget crit thing i need a massive thread of hope which i don't have.

While if i look at the medium budget crit i need a thread of hope but there's nowhere a slot for lethal pride.

I'm not really sure what to do now? Not only that, i'm pretty sure i don't have enough passive skill points to allocate the same amount of skill that the PoB wants me to allocate. I've done every passive skill point quest as well.

What do i do? do i not use the lethal pride and just buy a thread of hope? Am i missing extra skill points i can get from higher level maps or something?

Bit frustrating since i can't wrap my head around where i'm going wrong.

Thanks again for the guide, i hope someone can give me advice.
Hi, sorry i am quite new, but how do you apply stun to monster in order to regenerate the rage from warlord's mark ?
The interrogation jewel...
BeneTleilax wrote:
The interrogation jewel...

I'm wondering if it's being price-fixed cuz it went from 110 chaos to well 2+ divines. It smells very fishy.

For quiver crafting and wanting to transition to TS. Do we recommend Feathered as a base for the proj speed?
Carcelero wrote:
Got capped res, but still getting deleted by some monsters T7+ idk what shall i swap because i think its fine, im trying get 6L my bow but atm im using other


Flasks are really strong on this build and they are cheap to roll with alterations. We invest multiple points in the passive tree to improve their uptime and effectiveness;
Do not let those points be wasted on some crappy rolled flasks. Roll your flasks with alterations, they are a core part of the defences and speed of this build.
You can and should bench enchant them with "Reused when full" or "Reused at the end of flask effect" later on when you have the currency for it.

also, finish capping your spell suppress chance through the tree (btw I think you're missing one passive point from the campaign) you can type /passives in game to see which one it is
Last edited by yankuch on Dec 16, 2023, 7:40:49 AM
muhammadafeef wrote:
Hi, sorry i am quite new, but how do you apply stun to monster in order to regenerate the rage from warlord's mark ?

you're already stunning normal enemies non stop without knowing. If you're not regenerating rage, it's mostly because you cannot freeze and stun on the same hit, when you have the interrogation jewel, it will take away your ability to freeze which will give you a more consistent rage regen from warlord's mark
Vandamonia wrote:
What Major Pantheon is reccomended since Armala is not available this league?

The pantheons never change between league, it was just renamed from Armala to Queen of The Great Tangle. I edited it in the guide but I must have missed it somewhere thanks for pointing it out

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