Community Proposal for Middle Eastern Servers

GGG, if you read this, please bear in mind that there are still many players out there who do really need this but have not seen this post, so please take that into consideration. Thank you!
Would be amazing to play with less than 90ms.
I wholeheartedly support this initiative. It would certainly make me want to come back to the game.
GGG can you please comment on this, we are eager to hear from you!
For the love of Chris, PLEASE let me leap slam and flame dash without rubber banding! I need those servers GGG. I would exile some people for this.
I totally agree with what the thread is suggesting, and very thoughtful of the author.

Kindly GGG, if you are considering such a thing, please make one of the servers to be based in Bahrain as I tested the ones that are based in UAE from various other games (Valve, Riot Games), and their ping sometimes rises to between 80 and 90, which bring us back to ground zero.

Last edited by ALateef#1894 on Feb 15, 2023, 10:11:02 AM
Yes please make it happen, it would be great to experience the game in the best way


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