Announcing Ruthless

Bex_GGG wrote:
BearCares wrote:
Will you disable Energy Blade? Because I imagine it will directly violate your core Ruthless principles especially on an Inquisitor.

The current plan is to keep Energy Blade but due to the nature of Ruthless, it's harder to get Energy Shield.

But still several orders of magnitude easier to gear than everything else will be from the sound of it. Especially considering that flat ES is on the tree. ANd if you take energy shield you can spend your ultra rare currency on defense, completely ignoring your weapon, and while increasing defense also increase offense. I think you will end up disabling it. But if you don't, that's fine, because energy blade would be my first choice for a Ruthless character build. ;)

I'm specifically talking about using it for spell casting as I think melee version of it would have an appropriate amount of trade offs considering how much ES you lose and the need for accuracy and which side of the tree ES is on.
Last edited by BearCares#6660 on Nov 4, 2022, 6:33:31 AM
This sounds intensely stupid and unfun.

On the plus side, everything that sucks about POE in current year makes a whole lot more sense to me now. The people at GGG who think this kind of aggressively punishing, "screw players on purpose" gameplay experience is fun enough to spend time developing are the same people making all the other decisions about the rest of the game.
and you know what? after few weeks, less than one thousand will remain playing this mode, that's a waste of resources, just to please some streamrs.
Will be nice to see Streamers playing it not for a causal like me though.
spare time to make naked mode...
How is this gonna make any difference?
Need more brains, exile?
I had been looking forward to "hard mode" and have to say, this announcement describes something worse than I could have imagined and is extremely disappointing. This isn't "hard mode," it's "tedious mode." Rather than a moderate handful of viable builds Path has now, this mode will likely have 99% of players using the 1 or 2 that are still powerful under its constraints.

Guarantee uber bosses will be downed within a week or two by people playing the "correct" ruthless build.
maybe try fixing the actual game first?
Where is the redesigned item generation that was supposed to at least somewhat counter balance the other stuff?

Oh right - you don't properly understand the concept of proper counter balance (or balance in general), which is why SSF when into effect in a way that was not what 99% of people asking for it wanted.

And so, this too comes to pass.

Flasks and Life/Mana are not restored upon entering town or your hideout. Vendors that sell Flasks (and Helena in your hideout) can refill them for you. This disincentivizes the strategy of using Portal Scrolls as an instant full heal.

Not really - having to walk over to someone to get a free refill doesn't really change anything, and people will just grind up any cost - and such a cost hybridizes your healing solution with the one you really didn't want in your game (purchasable health/mana potions).

Hardcore Ruthless characters are not migrated to Standard Ruthless upon death. They are just permanently dead.

I still cannot fathom why this is not the default, and that the default is carebear hardcore instead. I mean, you finally do a proper HC, but you restrict it to a mode that is flawed in oh so many ways.

Well, at least you are consistent.
Last edited by BINARYGOD#2440 on Nov 4, 2022, 2:19:39 PM
Ruthless is not consuming significant development resources. It's a pet project that some senior designers have been working on in their spare time over the last 18 months.

IOW, you know this wont be anything anyone wants to hear now, and want to defend against "wasted resources" comments, but that also means this mode receives even less thought and testing than a major one and those have clearly not be great (and getting less so with time) - so this is basically going to be a worse version of a really bad league.

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