What to Expect Over the Coming Months

I just hope that ruthless is not hc/ssf because it will spoil the idea of scarcity, because from my point of view, it would be nice for scarce items to be an attraction for the game market, where they would work with prices much higher than normal .. I think it would be more fun that way than hc/ssf, I hope there is a vote for the community to decide if ruthless will be HC/ssf together or just softcore, because if it's just another choice, to divide the community even more... better to be exclusively hc/ssf for those who want a supreme difficulty.
Last edited by SurpriseModaFkr#5495 on Oct 13, 2022, 6:56:24 PM
Thanks for the "Ruthless" update. ;)
been disappointed with the changes for a long time. bring back beyond farming. i was looking forward to new revamped beyond with some fun scourge bosses. now it is just sad
""Hard Mode" News
Last year, we indicated that we were working on an additional optional game mode for Path of Exile, codenamed "Hard Mode". We're proud to announce its official name: Ruthless."

It's about time they stopped punishing the rest of us for the actions of the extreme few, who continually facetank the game.
Elder Shaper of Play-Doh
A nice idea would be to follow on Runescape's steps: make "old school poe" and "poe" different games, keeping "old school" as the version everyone used to enjoy and make "poe" the version where the vision is implemented and a fraction of the playerbase plays. please
Cool. Revert loot to the previous patch, shove this new loot into your new hard mode, and we can actually have this fixed.
Really looking forward to the improved communication. I feel the community should have a chance to provide feedback before changes are implemented.

Also really looking to the end-of-year events. Hopefully with cool prizes 8)
Imagine thinking anyone cares about Hardmode hahahahahahahahhaha
HC balance should be separate from SC I don't care which outdated 1993 game dev philosophy this goes against. youtube/twitch.tv/DESPAIR268

hyyyben wrote:
Tobinator wrote:
I hope this leacue was just a hard mode demo

LOl this league was easy...so much currency :D
So if you think this league was hard, then i can recommend following streamers that shares guides, making it easier for ppl in trouble ;)

One of the best things about PoE pre 3.19 was most players could simply play whatever content they wished (Atlas, Delve or Heist) without being forced to follow a "strat" to make enough currency to upgrade gear needed for a build.

Now it appears players have normalized a FOMO mentality to making currency in PoE. Whether it be loot goblin chasing, endless heist or some other streamer approved strategy, players now find their earnings penalized if they don't "optimize" their gameplay around some grindy meta strategy.

GGG made these changes to rectify a balance issue where a minority of organized players earned inordinate amounts of currency, yet this correction ended up negatively impacting a majority of players.

It shouldn't be incumbent on the player to "find a solution" or "figure out" a problem they did not create. They should not be expected to do "extra homework" just to progress the gear on their characters.

I'm glad you and many like you are still having fun playing PoE. PoE is great game and a lot of fun to play. Unfortunately, for me and many others like me, it's not as fun as it used to be.

Although the following is not in response to anything you wrote I hope you don't mind me tacking it on here.

Personally, the biggest problem I have is this nagging suspicion vital information was intentionally omitted in the 3.19 manifesto, stream and patch notes to avoid a repeat of the Expedition League.

I suspect for financial reasons GGG is embracing a policy of "Do it now, apologize later" when they make changes which might impact their bottom line. This suspicion has eroded any trust I had in the veracity GGG league related communications.

I could be wrong, maybe I'm overthinking this.
Maybe they honestly forgot to communicate to players how an incredibly impactful (might even call it "historic") change would affect juicing, loot and group play.
Maybe they felt presenting the changes made to Harvest crafts in the vaguest of terms was clear communication.
Maybe they were just honest mistakes having nothing to do with anything.
Maybe, but I got this nagging feeling...
well if the loot goblin continues with the need to change gear i will play another game

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