3.19.0f Patch Notes

Give us back harvest recipes!
reforge, keeping suffixes
reforge, keeping prefixes
re-roll stats (divine)
reforge more common mods

^^ this please.
I really hope that you do something about Harvest and Loot problems...

I have some trouble with updating game
Last edited by samate89 on Aug 29, 2022, 4:01:59 AM
Harvest fix when? I dont care if you bring back old crafts or not, im tired of having 3 out of 4 harvest crops drop no lifeforce whatsoever. Fix please
good now NERF THE DAMAGE AN mods do
Give us back harvest recipes!
reforge, keeping suffixes
reforge, keeping prefixes
re-roll stats (divine)
reforge more common mods
Storm strider Lightning mirages need a nerf bat. Those things are so obnoxious to any fast hit based build. Incredibly annoying. Otherwise, going in the right direction!
Very nice, thanks folks.
MFDreamless2 wrote:
Excellent, 1 problem down only loot tweaks and minion tweaks remain. Keep it up lads

They're the ones who are causing the problem and they want it to feel this way. Any improvements or bones they'll throw at us will be done reluctantly from them IF they even do anything else.
A step in the right direction for sure.

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