3.19.0f Patch Notes

Give us back harvest recipes!
reforge, keeping suffixes
reforge, keeping prefixes
re-roll stats (divine)
reforge more common mods
10 minutes=over 1 hour . thanks
Give us back harvest recipes!
reforge, keeping suffixes
reforge, keeping prefixes
re-roll stats (divine)
reforge more common mods
Reduced the damage of Effigy of Virulent Undeath's Rain of Arrows Skill.
Reduced the damage of Effigy of Wintry Undeath's Spectral Shield Throw Skill.

THANKS! Almost died to those in SSFHC.
Can we please have all of the harvest crafts back?
meh, still no divine orb changes reverted, economy still dead, harvest and other craft changes are not reverted, it seems nothing changed, especially loot drops
Be honest how many are hoping for

"Kalandra has shattered, we are reverting to Sentinel"
Can we get an update on what the ETA on the downtime is?
GGG pls can u add keep pref/suf back in the game? Would be lovely ^^
fosfofrutocinase wrote:
Give us back harvest recipes!
reforge, keeping suffixes
reforge, keeping prefixes
re-roll stats (divine)
reforge more common mods

^^ this please.

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