What Happened with Items

The comments on this thread are sad and disheartening.
Recyclopz wrote:
The comments on this thread are sad and disheartening.

The OP of this thread is sad and disheartening.
I mean, that's a good thing overall.
I've spent one week wondering if it was just me being sarcastic and still had doubts.

But here we are, it never have been any clearer now, i can drop it without any regrets now. I feel really relived.

Thanks for the clarification, truly an eye-opener.

I don't expect much of PoE 2 tho, as the core game should not change that much.

Bye GGG, it was a really fun experience and thanks for the good time.
Last edited by Ae_Evo#5363 on Aug 26, 2022, 6:40:12 AM
I knew it. Those are common mistakes, I have seen it in every place I worked. And takes time to address issues and to make a properly response. Your fist post was to fast, was a response without deep investigation and I knew you will do it better later.

Glad you understand and clarify in this post. That's solve so many questions.

Things that needs to be addressed yet:

Loot drops are not in a good shape.
Harvest crafting still needs some revisions after patch and we need some of the basic crafting that provided.
Minions are useless now, people still struggling on white maps.
"Saw group people making mirrors", really? I have seen multiple streamers quitting because the bad loot, that hasn't been addressed yet.
pes502 wrote:
zachbert wrote:
ogur4eek wrote:
What i want to see is Chris going from 0 to Uberbosses , on stream ofc. Just to get an idea what his vision is and how it works on players

Exactly this. Less talk, show us on stream how YOU would play the mess that is your game right now and backup your comments.

+1 guys!!

ifpappi wrote:
Recyclopz wrote:
The comments on this thread are sad and disheartening.

The OP of this thread is sad and disheartening.

merlinbolt wrote:
So loot was never truly nerfed for most players, and most players simply convinced themselves there was no loot due to a misunderstanding and because everyone kept repeating the same thing...

This is too funny. Watching people tell themselves something must be true just cause everyone else is saying it, and arguing to exhaustion that they must be right and you must be wrong because they're in the many and you must be a contrarian.

I almost never bother to write something, but you sir, you deserve all my admiration for saying something so simple yet so true.
Is that Goblin farming from Diablo 3?
Honestly, I never cared about the drops, I find that people are overracting, even now when they get more than before. I knew it was some mental effect from youtubers making other people believe there was something wrong. Nobody is complaining about the Divine explosions now I guess, yet people keep believeing their own nonsense.
The major issue is Archnemesis itself. Literally no player wants Archnemesis deminating the game like it's doing now. I wished they were way more rare (like 1/20th), put on map device, map mod, atalas tree and be done with it.
Last edited by leto2626#2588 on Aug 26, 2022, 6:44:37 AM
PR gaslighting.

Just like clockwork.

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