Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

Great balance. cya reservation mastery.
This balance manifesto is to get feedback on the supposed changes to the character balance, so give constructive feedback on that topic. "No buffs only nerfs, imma skip this league" isn't very helpful in terms of feedback. And anyways why is nerfing "their shit" is always a bad thing? This is how people get into these situations:

1. They find a build that is above the rest

2. The build gets nerfed because it was above the rest

3. People cry because "their" build that they started playing because it was above the rest gets nerfed for that exact reason

If you chose to play a build because it is an outlier, be that in terms of damage, cost efficiency or tankiness, you need to be prepared that that part will be nerfed, because it is an outlier.

Players get stuck in perpetual cycle of "their shit getting nerfed" because they constantly choose to play builds that are ought to be nerfed in the first place.

If you find some item/skill combo that is an outlier and enjoy playing an overpowered build - have fun with it, until it will inevitably get nerfed. If you cry about it getting nerfed, it's a 'you' problem, either enjoy the build in the more balanced state after the nerf, or find another outlier.

If you feel that that outlier got overnerfed, give feedback on it! Propose solutions to balance it more fairly, not just "don't nerf my shit".


I, for example, disagree in the way reservation changes were handled, they mention that the problem was that there nodes were too mandatory, and propose removing 15% of efficiency.

I would have liked reducing the reservation of all auras from 50%->35%, 25%->15% for example, but reducing the efficiency on the tree by a lot. That way even without any efficiency you can fit 1 defence aura, 1 damage aura, a herald and some spare mana left to cast, but if you wish you could invest a bit to fit an extra big aura, or a lot to fit extra 2+.

I feel that the change that was proposed does not solve the problem that was stated, so I give my feedback how to do that better, not just "why TF did you remove my reservation REEEE"
Problem: Builds are really unbalanced and some are way better than other, making many skills and items USELESS.

Solution: Nerf everything that's good, so everyone who doesn't play for 40 hours a day if fucking doomed.

Thanks, probably won't be playing this game anymore seeing where it's heading. I really thought it was getting better but fuck this...
hqDM wrote:
The MoM changes don't do anything to actually buff MoM though, apart from opening up a gear affix slot? It pulls more power to the keystone which wasn't an issue with MoM - the lack of mana regen / regen scalability was.

I'm confused about the minion life & ignite changes.

Minions no longer have hidden penalties to Bleeding, Ignite, and Poison damage. Summon Reaper no longer has a hidden bonus to Bleeding damage that counteracted this penalty. As a result, minions now deal approximately twice as much Poison damage, three and a half times as much Ignite damage, and seven times as much Bleeding damage.
only apply to minions applying ignites themselves, or also to ignites generated by the player blowing minions up (i.e. via death wish)?

Agreed that the MoM change does nothing. Why is this even a change if it's the only change? I see this change making sense along side something else but it's just that, it makes no sense. All it does is remove the need for investment to get to a higher MoM state (i.e. it should be hard to get 50% MoM no easier???)
Is this game too easy?

Because I played necromancer skeleton mage for the first time this league and put a lot of hours and there was still lots of contents I couldn't do..
Now I feel like the build that brought me back and hyped to the game is gonna be more difficult for average player and might compensate the 5% that will go through high priced items acquisition.
I love how Necro players are treated with kids gloves, barely touching their precious builds that they've been playing for a year and a half now.

Meanwhile the rest of the playerbase is literally told to eat shit and die some more.

And somehow Necro players are still complaining the loudest lmao
Charged Dash, Chain Hook, Cleave, Cobra Lash, Double Strike, Dual Strike, Frenzy, Frost Blades, Heavy Strike, Infernal Blow, Lacerate, Pestilent Strike, Puncture, Reave, Static Strike, Viper Strike, Elemental Hit (melee), Wild Strike,

You had 6 months.
This was not a Manifesto.

I is a Man-o-Fisted-Ohhhh-Shit-O.

Bad Move GGG

NinjaPancake wrote:
I feel like every league, GGG just kills off diversity more and more

Those are mine thoughts as well after reading. Blizzard is doing the same thing since 8.0. Think about it.

On the other hand, we're getting "Blizzard quality" after all.
Problem: Players are having fun in Path of Exile.
Solution: Remove fun.
Problem: Skills that cause corpse explosions derive much of their damage scaling from increased maximum corpse life, mostly from skills on the passive skill tree. This pressures builds utilising these skills to choose the Necromancer ascendancy class as it provides a large value of this stat, and means that corpses of enemies you kill are not useful for damage compared to corpses you spawn yourself. Additionally, since the percentage of corpse life dealt as damage by these skills does not scale with skill levels, there is not sufficient incentive to level them up (especially for builds scaling ignite damage).

Solution: Remove the increased maximum corpse life stat from the Necromancer ascendancy and reduce the values available elsewhere. Increase the percentage of corpse life dealt as damage for all corpse explosion skills to offset this substantial damage loss, and have this percentage scale with the level of the skill.

If you don't want player created corpses to do more damage than a slain monsters corpse then why have ANY form of increased corpse spawning maximum life? I really don't understand this change.

Why not make desecrate corpse's just all have the same maximum life value regardless of what creature they are? Why take away more of the identity of the Necromancer and it's corpse modifying nodes?

I really don't think you should be balancing ascendancies around how viable a certain skill is compared to using the same skill on another ascendancy. You're just removing more and more from ascendancies what actually makes ascendancies cool! :(

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