[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion

Faendris wrote:
SId6Niner wrote:
Faendris wrote:
That could be it. But why would it hit my life - shouldn't this be fully absorbed by ward - just as the skeletons are?

Just rough speculation here, but if you have two wand side arms with the modifier, this means more spectral spirits summoned.

When you swap back, more die.

In the normal setup, 3 skeletons are dying/respawning constantly.

With two wands, the number of minions is larger, and since heart bound loop damage is per minion death, you take more damage than you would normally would (thus dmg to your life total)

Hmm, but why dont I see damage to life, then, when I do a weapon swap while the loop is going? It summons the same amounts of spirits and should either always damage my life or never - not just at the start of the loop. Do you see the same behaviour when you start your look and when you weapon swap while the loop is going?

Now that is an interesting point, I'm not sure.

My initial assumption is that the life lost on restarting the loop is somehow mitigated by the recoup effects already in place?

Honestly not sure.
ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) When you disconnect in the lab ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
SId6Niner wrote:
trancenergy11 wrote:
Also i don't understand why do none of the version utilize whispers of doom with frostbite. Last league curses were extremely buffed. And triggered curses are equal in power to self-cast.

I agree. I personally don't like using sigil and this socket in an alt quality frostbite alongside snipers mark with whispers of doom

I haven't ran the numbers, but it is hard to believe divine judgement has better DPS increase than frostbite.

Also the alt quality frostbite for increased chance to freeze is a nice little flavor and defense boost, imo.

Yeah PoB shows around 20-25% more damage from frostbite. I'd doubt that things like 30 crit multi from counterweight, 50% inc damage from divine judgment or +40int/8% int from utmost intellect will give you 25% more damage.
Hey just wanted to share my tanky omni iteration that i've been brainstorming and assembling for the past few days and also looking for feedback. No mirrors spent and everything self-crafted.

Without having to go full right side of the tree i've got:
- ailment immune
- progenesis running on 2.4k life and rare ring and is also swappable into kiara
for mapping
- 90% spell supression (with lucky mastery)
- around 1500 omni

I'm not minmaxed yet but damage is enough for uber boss phase skipping and resists aren't 100% fixed - i'm working on that.

My support/clear links aren't really good atm so i've got a little bit of ramp time for my supports to gain all the power charges so they can crit and apply max brittle/shock.

Also working on getting more recoup - most likely from ring and highter tier on helm. And when i get some level i can put in another eye-to-eye medium.

Appreciate any feedback on how to improve

Last edited by trancenergy11#1763 on May 2, 2023, 1:08:43 PM
Guys , is there a problem or craft EQ still works on the same principle? I use Primitive Resonator with Lucent Fossil, I put Quality 28-30 and then spam Primitive Resonator + Dense Fossil?
Because even after getting 28% Quality on Helm ilvl 85, I was spamming with 400 Primitive and I didn't get more than 300 Ward with pennies...
alexxpl wrote:
Guys , is there a problem or craft EQ still works on the same principle? I use Primitive Resonator with Lucent Fossil, I put Quality 28-30 and then spam Primitive Resonator + Dense Fossil?
Because even after getting 28% Quality on Helm ilvl 85, I was spamming with 400 Primitive and I didn't get more than 300 Ward with pennies...

If you cant get over 400 on helm means you have the wrong base. Make sure its Runic Crown
Thanks for the tree.
I may have missed discussion here. if you got questions folks, ask us in discord.
trancenergy11 wrote:
alexxpl wrote:
Guys , is there a problem or craft EQ still works on the same principle? I use Primitive Resonator with Lucent Fossil, I put Quality 28-30 and then spam Primitive Resonator + Dense Fossil?
Because even after getting 28% Quality on Helm ilvl 85, I was spamming with 400 Primitive and I didn't get more than 300 Ward with pennies...

If you cant get over 400 on helm means you have the wrong base. Make sure its Runic Crown

oh damn, I didn't notice that :D hahaha I was doing Runic Helm Ilvl 85 ^^ My mistake :D Thanks <3
Thank you for this very comprehensive guide.
But I would have a small problem, the loop works well, and according to the calculator, everything is good.
But the loop doesn't spin as fast as you, even far from that, I have to do about one throw per second. (I go faster if I spam the skeleton myself without CWDT on the helmet)
Would you have a solution?
Thank you. Sincerely, Loic.
(Sorry for the probably approximate translation)

Solved, sorry I couldn't delete the post.
For those who are worried, it's just that I hadn't reached the 34% reduction of the skeletons ^^

THANK YOU ! ****
Last edited by loic1109#0308 on May 3, 2023, 5:14:38 PM
SSF Viable?) And how hard is it?
Can we take forbidden flame/flesh Deadeye ascend in combination?

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