[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion


build is working. but cant push dmg past 5m? without swaping to omni?
or am i missing something... swear it was way better 2 days ago before i messed with it

also what from here to only use 1 heartbound loop?? 😵🥴

had something tado with this in mind,.
but im not smort enough to know how to use it.
Last edited by mordredx#7076 on Jan 22, 2023, 8:38:21 PM
Hi all . I have a problem, I've been trying to set up a pelt for three days. Does not work. I have:
1. Lifetime of skeletons - 0.18
2. Cooldown time of skills - 0.21
How can I decrease the reload time?
What I did wrong ? Where did I make a mistake?
I will be grateful for help.
AldorDoral wrote:
Hi all . I have a problem, I've been trying to set up a pelt for three days. Does not work. I have:
1. Lifetime of skeletons - 0.18
2. Cooldown time of skills - 0.21
How can I decrease the reload time?
What I did wrong ? Where did I make a mistake?
I will be grateful for help.

Remove the less duration mastery at Window of Opportunity cluster - that is only used for 27% CDR setup.

mordredx wrote:

build is working. but cant push dmg past 5m? without swaping to omni?
or am i missing something... swear it was way better 2 days ago before i messed with it

also what from here to only use 1 heartbound loop?? 😵🥴

had something tado with this in mind,.
but im not smort enough to know how to use it.

You can push way higher than that without omni - though I will note that you actually have approx 11mil ice spear dps.
If you want inspiration, I ran similarbuild with suppress before starting the omni switch, and got to a bit over 90 mil ice spear dps - https://poe.ninja/pob/QpK

as for the rare ring setup - it is in the guide:) You need to upgrade to 3* divergent cwdt and 21 skeletons, so it is a bit... expensive.
Last edited by Cahir_aep_Ceallach#1713 on Jan 22, 2023, 9:48:45 PM
Can anyone help me out? It seems like I am doing half dps since Ice spear icon seems to be slow just like it shows in the written guide. Ice spear doing half loop

Last edited by TheChosenOne_#3026 on Jan 22, 2023, 11:37:32 PM
Cahir_aep_Ceallach wrote:
Xperienced_Virgin wrote:
i checked PoB and it said i have 100 flask uptime and a minim 84%, but be before i had a minim of 87% wit a old belt.

and what you said seems to be true its like it misses the 10 charges gain for some reason, but i have a buddy and he also has the same belt but his has 141 flask charges gained and has a 100% flask uptime and minim 85%.

this this means you need even more charges gained or reduced charges used.

Switching to belt with reduced charges used should be enough.
This wouldn´t be an issue if flask charges recovered continuously, but with the mechanic being as it is, you need some wiggle room on top to not waste charges.
Due to the overflow, going with just charges gained and flask duration only works when you can always reliably fill full flask between every use.

anap911 wrote:

With the sustain of the flasks everything is fine I just change weapons, after one time it casts spells and stops.

Understood. I need to change weapons many times. Why is that?

Sounds like mana issues. Start by checking if bare loop works - remove weapon and chest cwdt, and start looping. If it works correctly, you isolated it to mana issue.
And to solve mana issue - start by fixing socket order, that is usually enough. Cwdt works by triggering the first socket in all items, then second, etc, so you want priority gems (FR and skelles) before any other spells.
If that is not enough, get the reduced mana cost mastery at Arcane Capacitor cluster, or reduced mana cost when hit boot enchant.
thanks for the replay yeah did fix it but man is it weird.
also wanted to ask if your health matters in term's of survival?, or is it just something to take into account of with the calc's app,
also one last question, does 27cd do more damage or is it QoL? and if it is how do i configure it in PoB.

Ps. i looked at the guide and im still not sure about my questions. and thanks again
Cahir_aep_Ceallach wrote:
AldorDoral wrote:
Hi all . I have a problem, I've been trying to set up a pelt for three days. Does not work. I have:
1. Lifetime of skeletons - 0.18
2. Cooldown time of skills - 0.21
How can I decrease the reload time?
What I did wrong ? Where did I make a mistake?
I will be grateful for help.

Remove the less duration mastery at Window of Opportunity cluster - that is only used for 27% CDR setup.

Thank you. Your advice helped me. I wish you good health.
Now we need to adjust the time "Ice spear". How to do it? The calculator does not work, maybe I need to increase the barrier (now 1049 with a bottle)?
TheChosenOne_ wrote:
Can anyone help me out? It seems like I am doing half dps since Ice spear icon seems to be slow just like it shows in the written guide. Ice spear doing half loop


You can get an answer just by putting your stats in the calculator:)
For your setup, you need at least 2163 life for it to work - or not use chaos resist flask.

Xperienced_Virgin wrote:

thanks for the replay yeah did fix it but man is it weird.
also wanted to ask if your health matters in term's of survival?, or is it just something to take into account of with the calc's app,
also one last question, does 27cd do more damage or is it QoL? and if it is how do i configure it in PoB.

Ps. i looked at the guide and im still not sure about my questions. and thanks again

Well, since enemies generally hit for more than your ward - yes, life matters for survival:)

as for 27% CDR breakpoint - it is about 17% more damage and life recovery.
For PoB congig - just put "300% more cast speed" as custom modifier in configuration tab. That will make sure that displayed dps will be real, and not based on cast speed (which is irrelevant)

AldorDoral wrote:

Thank you. Your advice helped me. I wish you good health.
Now we need to adjust the time "Ice spear". How to do it? The calculator does not work, maybe I need to increase the barrier (now 1049 with a bottle)?

Hmm, your current setup should work fine - you are taking a bit of damage from FR, but nothing significant.
Are some spells triggering at less than full speed, after the loop stabilizes (takes 4s)? Because I don´t see anything that should cause that - but I might obviously be missing something.
Last edited by Cahir_aep_Ceallach#1713 on Jan 23, 2023, 12:13:52 AM
Cahir_aep_Ceallach wrote:
TheChosenOne_ wrote:
Can anyone help me out? It seems like I am doing half dps since Ice spear icon seems to be slow just like it shows in the written guide. Ice spear doing half loop


You can get an answer just by putting your stats in the calculator:)
For your setup, you need at least 2163 life for it to work - or not use chaos resist flask.

i just removed chaos resist flask (using 2 flasks as a test) and it fixed the problem but now when I put my stats in the website (1764 life, 103 ES, 1116 ward with olroth's on, the thing says Ward > FR damage: no. Forbidden Rite Damage 1126.279 , ward: 1116. It says dont use MoM. just unspec it and thats it? make no other changes if i unspec out of MoM? or that doesnt really matter and just keep MoM? would i die a lot with only -54 chaos res?
Last edited by TheChosenOne_#3026 on Jan 23, 2023, 12:22:34 AM
TheChosenOne_ wrote:
Cahir_aep_Ceallach wrote:
TheChosenOne_ wrote:
Can anyone help me out? It seems like I am doing half dps since Ice spear icon seems to be slow just like it shows in the written guide. Ice spear doing half loop


You can get an answer just by putting your stats in the calculator:)
For your setup, you need at least 2163 life for it to work - or not use chaos resist flask.

i just removed chaos resist flask (using 2 flasks as a test) and it fixed the problem but now when I put my stats in the website (1764 life, 103 ES, 1116 ward with olroth's on, the thing says Ward > FR damage: no. Forbidden Rite Damage 1126.279 , ward: 1116. It says dont use MoM. just unspec it and thats it? make no other changes if i unspec out of MoM? or that doesnt really matter and just keep MoM? would i die a lot with only -54 chaos res?

10 dmg going through ward is irrelevant, you can keep the MoM on.
That low chaos resist will kill you from time to time, yes. But since you are still levelling, it probably won´t matter, and once you get more levels you can fix your life / res balance so that you can have more chaos res.
With 2 heartbounds it is pretty easy to get into positive chaos res territory, you can even run divergent cwdt and not use FR at all:)

Cahir_aep_Ceallach wrote:
AldorDoral wrote:
Hi all . I have a problem, I've been trying to set up a pelt for three days. Does not work. I have:
1. Lifetime of skeletons - 0.18
2. Cooldown time of skills - 0.21
How can I decrease the reload time?
What I did wrong ? Where did I make a mistake?
I will be grateful for help.

Remove the less duration mastery at Window of Opportunity cluster - that is only used for 27% CDR setup.

mordredx wrote:

build is working. but cant push dmg past 5m? without swaping to omni?
or am i missing something... swear it was way better 2 days ago before i messed with it

also what from here to only use 1 heartbound loop?? 😵🥴

had something tado with this in mind,.
but im not smort enough to know how to use it.

You can push way higher than that without omni - though I will note that you actually have approx 11mil ice spear dps.
If you want inspiration, I ran similarbuild with suppress before starting the omni switch, and got to a bit over 90 mil ice spear dps - https://poe.ninja/pob/QpK

as for the rare ring setup - it is in the guide:) You need to upgrade to 3* divergent cwdt and 21 skeletons, so it is a bit... expensive.

ok I changed it up.. looks almost like your's.

roughly 25m dps?

SO, I just need to make the DIV CWDT jump.... running to the extent of normal ones..?
Last edited by mordredx#7076 on Jan 23, 2023, 1:38:28 AM

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