[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion

Hey man, can u update link on the runic gauntlets for omni pls ?
Nágash wrote:
facelessman122 wrote:
whats the minimum requiements for a fourth flask? cant see it in the guide

Its in the guide - one of the last things in the upgrade section. You just need more flask duration and/or more flask charges gained. But I think the numbers in the guide are not correct, because I needed more then the guide says. Just check your numbers with the calculator - its rly easy to use and you can experiment with the numbers.

missed the calculator , nice. cheers
tarq wrote:
tarq wrote:
I'm trying to get my loop working and have followed the guide as closely as I can. The only thing I have not done yet is uber lab for the last 2 points from witch area. Any ideas why the loop will not continue after the first switch?

Help appreciated. Talistarq on account tarq or here is a pastebin: https://pastebin.com/f4KQKq1u

Appreciate your inputs so far. I made as many changes as I can and I have constant uptime now on Olroths flask. My issue now is the Ice spear is not procing every time forbidden rite procs, meaning a DPS loss. Not sure how I fix that.

New POB: https://pastebin.com/eW5VCw2M

Appreciate the help greatly. Looking forward to trying this out.

Edit. Just fixing the large cluster for the power charge generation.

Edit2. Fixed dmg problem using lower CWDT for now and mana recoup on ring. thanks for the help again.

Sry, but I am not sure how I could check this, not that great of a POB-Warrior, but all looks way better now by what I can tell you.

2 things I saw ..........

Your Ward maybe to low ATM - you have to take the Staff Mastery with 30% increased defense, that way it will be up at 1700 again.

Your Kiaras doesnt have full uptime I think. You could (like me) annoint the REPLENESHING node instead of Judgment. I know you loose some damage, but it will help with Kiara uptime.

Last but not least .... you are in the right modus ? Lockstep !

If it still doesnt work, use the calculator, its easy to use and check all your numbers. Helped me a ton. If it still doesnt work use the discord channel - somebody will help you there for sure.

Last edited by Nágash#6614 on Oct 26, 2022, 6:52:27 AM
link for one of the flask is wrong i think, is showing a baslat flask
Maps with sap bricks the build, and I'm having mana problems with purity of elements, what can I do?
Three9 wrote:
Maps with sap bricks the build, and I'm having mana problems with purity of elements, what can I do?

You're not supposed to reserve mana. If you really need purity of elements to get resistance capped, use it instead of hatred.

Better yet, don't use it and get more resistances on your gear and jewels. You could also use a bismuth flask instead of a Kiara.
insectbrain wrote:
Three9 wrote:
Maps with sap bricks the build, and I'm having mana problems with purity of elements, what can I do?

You're not supposed to reserve mana. If you really need purity of elements to get resistance capped, use it instead of hatred.

Better yet, don't use it and get more resistances on your gear and jewels. You could also use a bismuth flask instead of a Kiara.

Many thanks.

What could be the reason for the loop stopping when I get close to some mobs, I see no active debuffs, doesn't look like they even hit me, it seems like they just "stop" it..? The loop is consuming about 40% mana and if I'd taken any big hits I'd see it..? (using anomalous skeletons)
Last edited by Three9#5631 on Oct 27, 2022, 7:41:08 AM
i need help.. what cant loop
fexilex wrote:
i need help.. what cant loop

I think you need to go back to page one and reread the guide.
facelessman122 wrote:
fexilex wrote:
i need help.. what cant loop

I think you need to go back to page one and reread the guide.

Already try to reread everything seems not working.. cant loop..

how many minimum value ward and life is needed? current 1.2k ward and life 1.8k.

if my both my ring is 420.

flask uptime is 100%.

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