Game Balance in Siege of the Atlas

I think GGG makes a good work!

If players find some mechanics and ABUSE them like Shade form or blood its only reasonable no nerf it.

TR nerf was expected
Mines/Traps was too powerful compared to other
COC builds? Obliterate hole screen (two screens) while pressing only one button (cyclone) was a fun playstyle? Put a match in keybord on blight map and go make a sandwitch playstyle.

This time GGG not only nerfing most popular op builds (all league starters: RT, DD, EK mines) but also buffed least played builds like Self cast or bow hit builds.

Every new league people scream: "They nerf this, they nerf that"
Why dont anyone complains about flasks this time, huh? They heavyly nerfed them, but now nobody takes a shit about it.

Two weeks in league and you can see youtube videos like "Awersome build. All content in 1ex investment" "Instaphase Shaper/Maven/*new boss*" "My league starter. To red maps in 4link"

Watch old videos. Two people, 14 minutes and logout makro to do a first Shaper kill on HK.
Now you need one person, press one button and 2 minutes of time... to kill UberElder. Or 8 minutes to afk kill UberElder.

Thanks GGG! You makes your game more interesting!
I dont know what are you guys complaining about. Have you learned nothing from the last few leagues? What did you expect? Are you new to this game? If you enjoy your builds, made with great effort, being gutted each 3 months while calling it 'balance', then you are more than welcome here :) If not, stop complaining, and find something more enjoyable. Or stay here and keep begging ggg, maybe they will listen :D

? If you enjoy your builds, made with great effort, being gutted each 3 months while calling it 'balance', then you are more than welcome here :)

You have to accept it. This is the specificity of this game. GGG suddenly notices ... oh no imbalance ... we missed something. And so every 3 months for 11 years. Round and round.


I recommend change the game. Or stop making builds for a xxx ex. GGG won't listen anyway. Because thanks to this, the players will start again and build others super op build. And in 3 months this build will be scrapped. Welcome to POE.
OneTwoTimer wrote:
I think the reward system was more balanced back when there was only sc and hc without "free for all" generic challenges.

They should bring that back and make a baseline of low vs high tier challenges and rewards. Each tier would be 20 steps, after completing it collapses and hides, but you can still look at stuff if you want.
Players would also have a 1-20 challenges logo before their name in chat in a league theme specific icon, like we do every challenge league, which would be small/pale, medium/normal, and large/bright for bronze/silver/gold tiers.

The first tier would be 20/60 bronze, and rewards include poor effects like footprints, weapons, skill effects pets and some 1/3 trophy totem parts.
Can be completed on any random ssf trash build.

Silver tier goes up to 40/60 with the final push being some yellow and corrupted maps, end boss kills.
Cooler limited mtx rewards.

Gold tier is the final 60/60 including hard uber boss kills, conditional kills, long grinds and whatever you deem e-peen brag worthy.
Rewards the most unique once per life time super duper what have you mtxs.

This should work as a default frame for difficulty.
The goal being that 60-100% of all players reach 10-20/60,
10-20% reach 21-40/60 and 5-0.1% reach 41-60/60 challenges, with a respectful completion drop off curve.

That imo would look like a well designed and balanced difficulty for content.

It's just objectively speaking true how bad it is that 80 fucking % does not even enter act 7 at any point... how does this not freak devs out like holy shit you made a ice berg game and 80% don't even scratch the surface of it.
How can you be happy with that?? 90% of the end game content is stuff people only get to see on youtube played by the elite.
The fuck kinda stupid shit is that??

Get some better difficulty layers.
Understand that "clearing the game/beating every boss" does not make players think "lol I finished it, easy, boring, bye". If there are proper layers and more difficulty options after that, modified versions of the "same" content, with better unique (explicit/restricted) loot tables, it only motivates players to learn more about the game, push further, try harder, and play more... it's a win win for everyone. Nobody loses anything.

1-20 - Campain
21-40 - Maps
41-60 - Shaper/Maven other boses
What is the problem?
doroni wrote:
I dont know what are you guys complaining about. Have you learned nothing from the last few leagues? What did you expect? Are you new to this game? If you enjoy your builds, made with great effort, being gutted each 3 months while calling it 'balance', then you are more than welcome here :) If not, stop complaining, and find something more enjoyable. Or stay here and keep begging ggg, maybe they will listen :D

Well if something looks as bad as that you gotta say something or would you rather bend down and cough?

Well nope if they see that people are FED up with that kind of changes they'll act if nobody says anything nothing will change.

WE are playing their game WE want what we deserve and they need our point of view even if it's negative it is good for them.

Let's see how it goes...
? If you enjoy your builds, made with great effort, being gutted each 3 months while calling it 'balance', then you are more than welcome here :)

You have to accept it. This is the specificity of this game. GGG suddenly notices ... oh no imbalance ... we missed something. And so every 3 months for 11 years. Round and round.

I dont have to accept. I had a choice, accept and be frustrated, or quit. Guess what i chose...? :)
I dont have to accept. I had a choice, accept and be frustrated, or quit. Guess what i chose...? :)

Guess what i chose...? :)

You quit. Nothing new ... I have to clean my friends list every now and then. Hardly anyone plays this game for a long time. But there are so many people and players in the world.

Anyway, people cry and people with Poe leave every 3 months. and so for 11 years. But new ones keep coming. So what does it matter.
Seems like good changes, for now.

I'm sad that apart from a minor buff to elemental bow skills, there's not much else of the things I actually wanted..

- 'slam' bow playstyle - an option to go for mega damage/AoE radius/angle instead of attack speed, as shooting more than once a second feels ridiculous
- option to hide flask effects on character, as they are extremely bad and distracting (and literally overwrite your MTX), especially on a pathfinder that has a permanent uptime on most of them
- option to hide Infused Channeling Support's visual effect
- making elemental bow mods exclusive with each other so you don't keep getting multiple elements at once (higher chance to get phys instead)
- making phys modifiers on weapons a bit more common, as it's much harder to get a good phys weapon for hit builds than it is getting a DoT weapon for DoT builds

I really hope the new league comes with a good way to craft high phys weapons, so it's actually possible to league start with something other than a damn caster for a change
TheBenShee wrote:
Blip wrote:
I would love to try different builds, but it is impossible to get the currency. I would love to try headhunter at least once, but currency or the div cards don't drop and map sustain is impossible.

wdym you can't make the currency? i probably made 5 times more currency alone this league, then i had in every other league since legion COMBINED! and i didn't even touch MF farm tower mapping in the slightest.

map sustain wasnt a problem at a certain point AT ALL and currency dropped like candy from a piniata.

there is no shot, that you can not farm enough currency to get atleast a HH and thats coming from one of the worst PoE players... me :)

Some people don't want to learn to farm but the folks who think "they should just drop more currency" for doing nothing do not seem to understand economics. Dropping more currency doesn't mean these people can now afford a HH. It just means hyperinflation (i.e. Heist league) where 50ex gets you a crap rare.

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