3.17 TOXIC RAIN CHAMPION - Fast, Tanky, Deadly! - League-Start to End-Game

Guys, so I've been playing around and this build can get fucking NUTS!

For those running Maloney's, you GOTTA try this:

Run Maloney's with Caustic Arrow + Awakened Arrow Nova + Chain and the SCREEN JUST FUCKING CLEARS with every shot you make.

I've done some tweaking so I can now run Headhunter full-time with the build. I swapped out my QOTF and instead got this beast of a chest (legacy explode... but you don't need it) so I don't need frenzy in Maloney's:

It's just pure fun and everything is DESTROYED on a SINGLE CLICK.

If you don't have frenzy chest and you're running with QOTF, in your Maloney's you can run Caustic Arrow + Awakened Arrow Nova + Frenzy and it still works great, it just alternates between Frenzy + CA but still works amazingly well for clear. Try it.

Here's a video of the clear and a double-guardian kill (Phoenix + some other guardian... you don't even see the second guardian, haha):

Last edited by brunowa on Nov 14, 2021, 7:08:27 AM
Last edited by kjanos89 on Nov 14, 2021, 12:24:19 PM
So I guess I dont need to get the Chest back ? ;) Nice that you found a way to utilize it ;)

Missed you online, farming constant Simu Wave 30 right now ;)
in some of the videos i see fortify, but the POB you provide, doesnt have fortify what am i missing
Probably the ascendancy which grants you Fortify
Another cool change you can make:

Craft boots with 80% stun avoidance enchant and Cannot be Frozen.

This basically removes need for Soul of the Brine King pantheon and instead you can spec into Soul of Arakaali which helps really effectively against damage over time.
brunowa wrote:
Another cool change you can make:

Craft boots with 80% stun avoidance enchant and Cannot be Frozen.

This basically removes need for Soul of the Brine King pantheon and instead you can spec into Soul of Arakaali which helps really effectively against damage over time.

Maybe I'm missing something, but doesn't Unstoppable Hero make us immune to stuns due to being permanently Fortified? Why the need for the enchant?
Umberger wrote:
brunowa wrote:
Another cool change you can make:

Craft boots with 80% stun avoidance enchant and Cannot be Frozen.

This basically removes need for Soul of the Brine King pantheon and instead you can spec into Soul of Arakaali which helps really effectively against damage over time.

Maybe I'm missing something, but doesn't Unstoppable Hero make us immune to stuns due to being permanently Fortified? Why the need for the enchant?
You aren't missing anything. The reason we use Brine king is the freeze immunity. If you have that somewhere else, you can drop Brine King for something else.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
so awesome, good pick up! Even better :)

I am a bit stuck atm. If anybody would be so nice to guide me through the next best things to do I would really appreciate it. I have no big complaints about the current status of my char but I need some inspiration. (Add medium cluster? Watchers eye? ...)

I am aware that I could lower my resistances to get more chaos res. I still want to be able to run elemental weakness maps though.
Ignore the flask.


The name of the char in my account is VigorEnGarde

Thanks to anyone who is willing to sacrifice a bit of their time to help me out.

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