Merciless PVP Players

Marauder, Default, 83
IGN: TsuruyaNyro
hello im a lvl 76 marauder

IGN - koez

im very new to pvp and wish to learn
got to be good looking because im so hard too see.
So...Anymore people in for PVP?
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
soooo. when did it stop being low level pvp? 28?

cause.. i would have been on this earlier if i had have know..
Smoother than Smooth.
Moist wrote:
soooo. when did it stop being low level pvp? 28?

cause.. i would have been on this earlier if i had have know..

Merciless pvp was always here. Didn't you get the memo?
Standard Forever
Default 74 lvl Shadow
ign :mr_imelih
İgn : Mr_iMelih
UTC/GMT +3 Hour
iamstryker wrote:
Moist wrote:
soooo. when did it stop being low level pvp? 28?

cause.. i would have been on this earlier if i had have know..

Merciless pvp was always here. Didn't you get the memo?

Heh. Guess not. I just assumed it was 28 only pvp n that was what they were sticking with for ages..
Smoother than Smooth.
Who can kill kripp?
If only he was on default.... V_V
IGN: TsuruyaNyro
no offense but kripps build fails in pvp... he has dps but not as much as a low life shavronnes, he has survival but not as much as a block build

ive fought many taryn/kaoms FP builds and they ticklemeelmo
Yeah Taryns FP is not a PvP build hehe. One of the biggest benefits of Taryns is the freeze chance and extra dmg on frozen targets, which is totally wasted in pvp.
Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on May 29, 2013, 3:46:59 AM

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