Merciless PVP Players

stronkberry 83 marauder

relithh 87 witch

IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
Last edited by relithh#7305 on Apr 8, 2013, 11:24:15 PM
Hey, I am in the process of creating my first PK char. A shadow. Lvl 79 atm, and he will be PVP ready @86 as soon as I finish gearing him up as well. If there are any teams looking for someone who is built to counter sorc and ranger (but would most likely get stomped by pure melee builds). Hit me up Ign MidnightAssassin
there arent enough people that pvps in merci to do group pvp, oh and, you won't have any fun if your build sucks against melee
Last edited by cala#1990 on Apr 10, 2013, 3:17:18 PM
cala wrote:
there arent enough people that pvps in merci to do group pvp, oh and, you won't have any fun if your build sucks against melee

Sadly true. I think 90% of the people I fight are melee.
Pvp'd most of the people that have posted, some great pvpers out there!

Come join in on all the fun and test your might! Who knows, maybe one of us will find your hidden weakness and that can drive you to improve it later on! Come one, come all!
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
KocaAygir 84 Marauder
ign :aristolholy
lv 85 marauder :D
pianokingx3 wrote:
amont0bin wrote:
82 Maurauder

Ready to own someone using a cheap Righteous Fire build :)

Ready? to own? All you're doing is afking... And when you're not afking, you just whirl away nonstop. So where is this "own"? Not to mention you "report" anyone who tells you otherwise and ignore them.

Lol I think we got off on the wrong foot. I don't remember why I put you in my ignore list but most likely you shit talked me (only reason why I put people on ignore). Anyway, I'll unignore you next time I'm on.

You're actually pretty interesting to duel (and also the most frustrating -_-) as your RF does a lot of damage. I did figure out a way hard counter your build. Unfortunately, I still need 5 more levels to get Hex Master to make this viable :(

See below for counter for Righteous Fire Build

1) Vulnerability + Flammability w/ Hex Master (Vulnerability makes him take 40% more damage from his own RF, and Flammability reduces his Fire resist and causes him to take more damage from his own RF)
2) Keep Viper Strike up to counter a bit of his high regeneration. Viper Strike also does more damage when he is Vulnerable.
3) Conversion trap (To stop some of his RF damage on you while it still does damage to him.)
4) Bear Traps with Increased Duration (Who doesn't use these in PVP?)
5) Warding Flasks (I recommend bringing at least 3 flasks that has Curse immunity as he keeps you slowed with Temp Chains, and makes your Vulnerable.)
6) Whirling/Leaping away (While he burns from his own RF.)

EDIT: 7) Elemental Equilibrium passive (With this passive, you can hit him with non-fire spell and will result in him losing another 50% Fire resist... really detrimental for any RF build)

EDIT: I believe he's using Rise of the Phoenix unique shield which stops RF at low life.

Last edited by amont0bin#0682 on Apr 16, 2013, 4:45:35 PM
Stryker y we never PvP yet :(
aimlessgun wrote:
Stryker y we never PvP yet :(

Ya I've wondered that myself. Might be the odd hours I work versus playing the game.
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